Let's Be Ridiculous
We are not under law, but some preachers use the law
of Moses and other scripture on order to shape a congregation
into what they think it should be.
These guilt peddling, one verse, hunt and peck preachers destroyed my faith at an early age.
By the grace of God and a life of studying I regained it.
By picking a verse here and a verse there, scripture can be made to say almost anything,
but if the preceding and following verses are read,
a better understanding of the verse is obtained.
Of course scripture can't be understood at all without the help of the Holy Spirit.
No verse of scripture is a private interpretation, text without content is error.
All the scriptures must be considered before an interpretation can be made on one verse.
There are two types of chrisitians,
the ones that read scripture and form a belief based on that scripture.
Then there are the ones that have a belief and then search the scripture for verses to back up their belief.
Unfortunately, this is the type that have always dominated the church.
One law out of the Old Testament that preachers use to manipulate a congregation is Deut.22:5,
a woman must not wear mens clothes.
So women are not allowed to wear slacks or pant suits
because this is considered by them to be men's clothes.
Of course we know that pants that are made for women do not fit men and vise-versa,
men's don't fit women quite right.
Now because of this teaching
some women are walking around with dresses halfway to their ankles,
hair up in a bun,
shoulders throwed back, nose in the air,
proud because they think they are pleasing God.
Sorry, God looks on the heart and our best efforts are filthy rags.
The same law that says a woman should not wear men's clothes also says,
not to wear different types of materials woven together or a garment of different types of material,
if you build a house, to build a battlement or railing around the edge of the roof
to prevent anyone from falling off and getting killed.
The law also says if someones ox or donkey is fallen by the way to stop and help.
This law would pertain to automobiles today.
Do not plant different kinds of seeds in your fields, at the end of seven years all debts must be cancelled,
and if you have a rebellious son that will not obey you he is to be put to death.
This preacher that is teaching that women must not wear pants,
had better wear wool underwear with his wool suit,
must have a railing around the edge of his roof,
must stop and help anyone broke down on the side of the road.
If he plants a garden, he must not plant more than one kind of seed.
If anyone owes him money, he must cancel this debt at the end of seven years
and if he has a rebellious son,
[most of them do] he should have him put to death.
Ridiculous isn't it?
Another passage used by these same preachers is 2 Kings 9:30
Jezebel painted her face, arranged her hair, and looked out a window.
Women must not wear makeup and be painted up like a jezebel.
Well if this is proof text for not wearing makeup,
don't arrange your hair or look out a window either,
because jezebel did all three.
A little makeup in moderation is not a sin,
of course some women look like they put it on with a putty knife
and this might be questionable.
Paul and Peter made comments in 1 Timothy 2:9 and 1 Peter 3:3
about women dressing modestly.
They made statements not because women shouldn't try to make themselves attractive,
but because pagan women in Peter and Paul's day would spend countless hours
braiding their hair with gold threads and putting on expensive clothing and jewlery.
And as always the children of God have been prone to follow after pagan customs.
Nothing done in faith is sin. Sin is sis based on yout love for God,
and your love for your fellow man.
Jesus said that all the law and the teachings of the prophets
can be summed up in two commands,
Love God with al your heart, mind, strength and spirit,
Love your neighbor as yourself.
During the last supper Jesus told his disciples that if you love me
you will keep my commands, and my command is this,
Love each other as I have loved you.
We are not under law, Jesus fulfilled the law and it was nailed on the cross with him.
Never the less, if you follow one law you must follow them all.