I do not personally endorce any of the above links, Please let me know if they are NOT suitable for Children as set in my prefferences.... Thank you
Links links links
For the people who need help finding how and where..
These are links for you to click on. They will keep you
busy til ya know your way around.
If you are Very new to Genealogy, and you intend to spend time at it,
I recommend you
first try to find a genealogy program that fits your needs.
If you try Search Engines for
Genealogy Software, you will get an assortment, it's always best
to download a few and try them out. Not everyone loves Family Tree Maker, but with over
300 families for my needs, Family Tree Maker hit the spot without the headaches. Brother's
Keeper is free on the net, at AOL you can get it at KEYWORD software type Brother's
Keeper and click search..
Download all five files. If you keep this program or use any
other It is VERY WISE to back them up onto disk of whatever type you use.
General Genealogy for Internet Starters
Military and Government Information - State History - Early American Immigration
(Includes PA,VA. and many Early settling places)
Some GREAT indiviual researchers of the WEB
German Genealogy and Norwegian Genealogy
MORE NEW LINKS Freinds sites and cuzzies sites
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vistors since 3/09/99...... ...Thank You!
Visit My Message Board, Great Place to be Seen!
May I have the honor of you signing my guest book?
Back to my Gen HOMPAGE
HEY !!! Come into the Genchat and find some Cuzzies, be sure to put your surnames in CAPS and just have a good time!!!!!!
US Navy Links |
Genealogical Research at the National Archives | |
U.S. Civil War Center -- Civil War Information |
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - Ships, Passenger Lists & Immigration THIS WOMAN IS ONE OF THE BEST!!!!! SHE HAS IT ALL |
US Immigration History | |
The History Net - Where History Lives on the Web | |
The Library of Virginia Genealogy Home Page |
Friends and Related Surnames GenPages
I have over 250 sites that I frequent, so this list will
change often.
Coming Next is connecting Family sites, and My List of PA research sites...
Feel Free to email me if you are looking for something I don't yet have
Many of my SOUNDEX ref.. are
The Soundex code
for BASHORE is: B260
The Soundex code for LeBrasueir is:
The Soundex code for BOSHORE is:
The Soundex code for BRAUN is: B650
The Soundex code for Frantz is: F653
The Soundex code
for HOFFMANN is: H155
The Soundex code for Keilbach is: K412
The Soundex code for KLINE is: K450
The Soundex code for Lucken is: L250
The Soundex code for Luckens is: L252
Soundex code for Sixth is: S230
The Soundex code for SONTAG is: S532
The Soundex code for SUNDAY is: S530
The Soundex code for Supplee is: S140
The Soundex code
for TRAUTMAN is: T635
The Soundex code for UNLY is: U540
The Soundex code for UNLIE is: U540
The Soundex code for VOG is: V200
The Soundex code for Zartman is: Z635
The Soundex code for
Zimmerman is: Z565