Summer Rain

by Jennifer Moorefield

I awoke this morning with my world in distress! I didn't feel like going to work, and things seemed to go from bad to worse.

In the afternoon, I decided to sit outside for awhile even though the temperature was nearly 100 degrees. I thought being outside in the breeze, albeit a hot one, would be refreshing. Whilst sitting under the maple tree and reading my book, a summer rain came. No thunder, just a gentle summer rain. It had been weeks since we'd had rain!

I got up and walked from under the protection of the giant maple tree, and let the soft rain fall on my uplifted face. As the rain fell faster, I ran for the shelter of the porch. The rain slowed again and I walked back into it feeling its soft, soothing drops.

The rain created a stream of water that ran down the street beside the curb. I couldn't resist. I put my barefeet into the water and was transported back in time. I was seven years old again! I remembered my favorite summer attire; the pink "pedal pushers" with black and white polka dots and the white blouse, my long blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail. For a few minutes time stood still; I was reliving a summer moment from so long ago when childhood protected from the worries of the day. Slowly I walked to the curb and put my feet into the stream of water, letting it ripple over my feet, my toes being tickled by a stray leaf as the water carried it down the street. The water felt warm and comforting. My feet felt refreshed.

Coming back to the present, I giggled and wondered what the neighbors would think if they saw me, but I didn't care. It had been a long time since I'd felt a gentle summer rain, since I'd felt so safe and secure in my world. I felt renewed and knew the rain had washed away more than the dust and dry leaves from a hot summer day.

~written 7/98

Me, on the left, with my grandma and baby cousin.

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