This is a
compilation of my writings. The poetry
covers a period of time beginning in 8th grade.
Only the first 3 were written then.
I stopped writing until #5-9 which were written
in 10th grade, #10 and #11 were written in 11th. #12-39 were
all written in my senior year. #40-41 were written in
Army Basic training, and #42 just before I left for a 2 year mission to serve
my church. #43-59 while on my mission,
and the most recent is #60. #61-67 were all written various times, as also the miscellaneous
section. --PS, if you see a bunch of ????'s everywhere, you should change your browser's Text-Encoding to be "Western-European (Windows)" UTF-8 encoding makes the ????'s show up everywhere.
A lot of
the poetry I shouldn't bother to include, but if I only put in the good stuff,
then it wouldn't really give you anything to compare it to. Plus, different people have different tastes,
and some people actually like some of the poems that I can't stand!
I do hope
you enjoy reading these, as much as I enjoyed writing them (ie
I WILL make
you one promise: If all you do is read these, then all you will get out of them
is words. However, if you spend some
time pondering the meaning behind the words, then you will have found a portal
to my soul, and you will know more about what is on the inside of D. SKye than
anyone that hasn’t read these.
I dedicate this to my wife Anniche. There is always a special place in my heart for you; indeed, you are already there. Despite where the paths of life take us, I will always love you. The number of the stars that twinkle in the SKye, still do not come close to the number of ways that I love you. Until Eternity wraps her arms around Infinity, and we stand there in their presence, forever yours, my love...
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Puzzling Yesterdays
The shadows of tomorrow
Remind me of the love we have:
Bubbling rivers flowing over hills,
The gold and silver bells ringing
Like thunder in our ears,
Telling us our hearts, are not
Full of tears.
Puzzling yesterdays we once had,
Now burn like fire
On a rainy day.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The tears we have:
Are rivers falling over cliffs
Like rain.
The clouds we see:
Only cover the rainbow
That waits behind.
The footprints we make:
Are of stars in the sky, on a
Clear September night.
The afternoons we spend together:
Are like golden geese flocking the sky.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Ordinary hearts, normal days.
Where is tomorrow if there is no today?
Striped mountains that cross each other,
Blowing out candles lit by another.
Finding new friendships that last
Through the future,
Never to shatter or stray far away,
Better forever, and thus.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Beautiful colors twisting down a spiral staircase
Searching... Searching... The red, yellow, and
Black and white, changing slowly.
Colorful flashes of light.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
I did not know blocks could roll;
Who am I to tell the sun to rise?
That yellow light I could not see.
But somewhere a smile,
I have not met this soon before.
Why should I be prey of fright?
A melody I've sung before,
But different, I know not why.
The cats eye looks at me,
Holding something, deep within.
The power of the lion keeps me strong.
The things he tells:
The stars, the moon, the night.
The fiery dart pierced through his skin
Please, please let this night end.
The ice is melting, heat is near.
Alas, the dove has brought the sun.
I thank thee lion please forgive,
My light has melted all you had.
It was not possible,
But now cannot be stopped:
Science is dead and faith prevails.
I did not know that blocks could roll.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The bonds of our friendship are:
Birds soaring high above the
Troubles of the darkened earth below,
The faith that the sun will rise in the
Morning and set in the eve,
Green fields of rolling grass tumbling over
Hills and falling into valleys,
Bubbles floating higher and higher past
All stars in the vast reaches of space,
The tender touch, of friends forever.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Tears of Joy
Tears of joy run down my face.
Symbols tell me;
The old has come anew,
And the Bloodshed was inevitable.
The spirits of honor speak of the master
And his army of red.
The reasons are now in the open.
By the entrance to his kingdom
Another victory is won.
The last of the lovers
Have now found another,
Thanks to the Knight with
The golden hand.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The void is endless, Father Time is growing old.
I thought I saw life, but only a dream.
I was a fool to believe, why not?
The shadows are closing in, poison grips my shoulders.
I remember my thoughts:
My family, my friends, my girl.
She had a love deeper than others.
A goodbye, is all I have to remember her by now.
Strange is the meaning of life.
"Fare thee well, " my last words to her.
Now the light is gone the candle is burned out.
Now I have what's inside:
The kindness, the good, the love.
But it's too late, my time has passed.
Blackness is coming, feelings are going.
Too short
Too short is life...
Why now do I regret?
Why didn't I stay?
Why didn't I!
Why do I regret...
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Days past, where was I at?
Time's here, now I am.
Friends I had, friends I have.
Lonely days, warm nights.
The Oracle lied; lightning struck glass.
The joy of life once told a tale,
So I listened.
Now mine, a tale about the Unicorn,
His life, my love.
The dream I forgot, now I remember,
but different, without the Wizard.
I dropped the Orb, I thought I would die,
I talked to him, but it wasn't broke.
Dark was too close,
I couldn't forget,
So I slept.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Inlets of gold, calm flowing river;
Of glass, of fire.
In control.
A soft touch of wind blown past my face.
Pale leaves fall.
Thunder, no clouds, fair weather.
Dreams fulfilled, dreams forgotten.
Aching solace, longing interaction.
Life understanding.
Not a question of beauty,
But thought.
The truth aloud; told,
But embarrassingly, denied.
An iridescent love
Colors of a rainbow.
Bright bliss.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Once a burden; so heavy, sublime.
Once a pain; sharp, but unnoticed.
Once a debt; large, payable.
The unknowing destroyed.
A fear forgotten.
Promise restored.
Love endured.
Truth known.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The North Wind Sleeps
The songs of tomorrow, the joys of today.
Beauty and love. As the flowers,
Who humble themselves before winter.
The growth and life of spring.
Newfound friendships.
Diamond eyes, black and white,
Pierce the heart, search the soul.
The bear in hibernation, who sleeps
Through adversity, now awakes.
A new life, a new world.
Seeds that were dead burst forth
And mature, always needing water,
Always needing food.
Ice fades, white melts, revealing glorious
Colors: green, red, blue, violet.
Morning comes early; Bright sun, warm rays:
That call out the people, the animals, the trees.
Birds come back from lands afar,
Bringing new tales of
Warmth and joy-Alas.
Mentally renewed, with new
Strength and vigor.
While, the north wind sleeps.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Song of Hope
The race was won,
The strength was gone.
In life to fulfill,
I lost my will.
I thought I was strong,
I did not know,
I was wrong,
Where would I go?
My thoughts were mine,
A different time,
Of the olden day.
I lost my way.
In love of the past
I found my hope.
Time at last,
My golden rope.
In this song to sing
That my joy might bring
Above my life,
The growth of spring.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
To You
The joys and hopes of life,
At one time my friends,
At one time my wife.
Dreams which are unfulfilled,
By the time it ends,
They will be my shield.
The strength of tomorrow,
The gift which it sends,
May fill my heart with sorrow,
It just all depends.
But if that strength were true,
And I could be with you;
Then to you I'd say,
"I love you," every day.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
To the wizard I talked,
Often it was.
He taught me the secrets,
Showed me the spells.
I longed to be like him;
Thought he was perfect.
With only a blink, he could
Cast fire or rain;
A mere raise of his hand
Could cause earthquakes;
When he talked with thundering voice,
People stopped to hear his command.
With I as apprentice and he as teacher;
What a marvelous two,
Just me and you.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
My Friend?
Truth was in my soul,
But how could I know,
Others that would lie.
A kiss for goodbye.
The one, who was true,
One day said to me,
"I don't care for you."
How can this, love be?
I talked to myself,
Put love on the shelf.
Now I am alone,
Never to go home.
Far away I went,
As far, as I could.
From this I was sent,
As I, any would.
Today is my day,
And this I will say,
My friend, I love you;
Do you love me too?
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
To Be With Thee
I was lost in the depths of love,
Destroyed, by fate's red hand.
My heart and soul I'd given;
I could not understand.
If I could change the way I feel...
But, then what the use this be?
'Twas false or was it real,
This love I've giv'n to thee.
The solace of my heart
Aches pain in every bone.
'Tis tearing me apart,
From the pain of bein' alone.
The joys are gone the birds have flown.
My sparkling eye no more.
To be with thee, my only wish,
From this, and ever more.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Bodies clashing, rumbling, tumbling.
Right side, left side, D-hall bumbling.
Upstairs, downstairs, six minutes that's all.
Chaos, disorder, in every hall.
Papers here, garbage there,
All around us, but who gives a care?
Clean it up, Pick it up; Too funny you say.
I don't. I know; I go here every day.
Teachers, speakers, what a bore;
I'd like to get up and walk out the door.
* Man, this teacher can just kiss my assignment.
Once again, out in the hall;
People all tramplin', like Christmas in the mall.
Locker, Shmocker; Stupid thing always sticks.
Haul off, far back, and give it a kick.
Every day, don't know if I'll survive.
Heck, I could be taken prisoner alive.
Home with a headache, take a pill;
a day in the life, at:
Changed in version Two:
* Homework, homework, two days come real soon.
(Author was feeling particularly frustrated on the day of original writing)
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Olfoxen Derryomé
The strength of society wanes,
But one still strong; Olfoxen Derryomé.
All are lost to war and pain,
But one still loves; Olfoxen Derryomé.
Money, grief, and toil,
But he has none; Olfoxen Derryomé.
All to other's plans they foil,
But he waits by; Olfoxen Derryomé.
While we destroy our planet,
Yes, he preserves; Olfoxen Derryomé.
Our hearts as hard as granite,
So why don't we learn
A lesson from Olfoxen;
But who may this he be?
An Olfoxen Derryomé?
Is it you? Is it me?
Nay I say, but look real hard
At the animals around you.
There may be some in your backyard,
So look at them and see,
Olfoxen Derryomé, how unlike is he,
To you, and me.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
This Be This
Here it is; Here is life.
Strong light glowing; Bright sun.
Green leaves of hope.
Strong dark limbs of support.
Bright ambiance, colorful flowers.
From the leaves of fall,
To the growth of spring.
Like myself;
From death to life;
Friendship falls, love falls,
Life grows, light glows,
But what to come; Yes,
Spring ends, fall ends... Life ends.
Life is light; Light is hope; Hope is love;
Love is friends; A friend to be, or not to be?
Yes a question truly worthy of thought.
One with hope; But, with moral.
Learned by few, told by all,
So this, be this.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Forms have fallen, light has passed.
Void endless scythe rips my soul.
No hope of death; no, not for years.
Mental fatigue, no room for thought.
No beauty to fill my heart.
New awakenings now lost to time;
Old enemies... Gone,
Old friends... Gone.
Old pain growing,
Strength, waning.
There is no depression. No!
But absence: joy, love, and life.
Hope; Only exists, not here.
Afraid; Afraid of fear!
Dark growing, grasping, clutching, pulling;
But no; I will not go.
A solid wall.
Love is lost, hope is lost, life is lost;
But never; Never, will I go.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Numbers, blumbers on the board,
This teacher thinks my head's a gourd.
"Pie are square," What's he tryin' to say,
Pies have been round from the very first day.
"Solve this with FOIL," says he,
This ain't home economics, man that ain't for me.
Postulate smostulate, there's not even proof.
Math's really easy, but this guy is a goof.
Three whole pages on two plus two,
Doesn't he think I have better things to do.
Tired of homework each and every night.
I'd like to hop a plane and take the next flight.
They say "In the future this can help you." it can?!
How can math help me if I'm a garbage man?
Big stinkin' goal, ain't it you say.
If you hate math too,
It could be YOU--
Some day!
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Last Day of School. (By A Senior)
Last day of school,
All right, this is cool.
Man I'm flyin'.
Geez this school is dyin'.
Kids running everywhere
Shaving cream in their hair;
No! wait; Not any more
Junior high's a bore.
Sign here and away,
There's just no other day.
Give a girl a kiss,
Wow, your in bliss.
Seniors gone for good
No more fire for the wood.
Sophomores can survive,
Even though they're not alive.
Juniors are a fool,
Not quite, but almost cool;
Another summer and that's all,
They'll come back in the fall,
And then like me they'll be
Another senior in ecstasy.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Friendship, and Love
Cool and warm, as the spring grass grows,
I grow too.
A winding river that finds its way through valleys,
I know my way.
A bright beam of sunshine,
Long is its way, straight is its path;
So far a distance, but still I receive its warmth.
Clouds o'rhead are not full of sadness,
but moisture for the deprived land below.
A light rain falls, happily received,
The Earth lapps it up, wanting every drop.
A soft breeze caresses my face,
Lukewarm fingers of wind go through my body.
I see you not far off,
I smile, you smile too.
The wind pushes us together.
We hug;
One of both,
Friendship, and Love.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Too many trials, too much pain,
Where is the sunshine, Why all this rain?
Why is the sky always 90% cloudy,
Instead of 10% sunny?
Is the optimist truly more bearing,
Or is the pessimist more in reality.
What can we find, good or bad,
When hit in the head with Aladin's lad.
Do we think of the pain that has fallen upon us,
Or celebrity joy for meeting such fame?
Would we rather have money,
Than friendship and love,
When hit on the head by a lad from above?
Too many holes, not enough fillers,
Like farmers and bakers and townsend millers.
Or millers daughters, yes they too are true,
From beginning to end unlike me and you.
But all in all, one thing stands tall,
Be optimistically happy, and get-up when you fall!
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
A melody I heard the other day.
It flowed through me, in a strange mysterious way.
I; Infatuated with its soft tones,
It filled my body, even to my bones.
A strong flowing song,
Which did fill my heart.
I tried to sing along,
Could not thus impart.
So glorious and high this song was sung,
That I could not tell from whence it begun.
Some say the soul of nineteen years,
But they in fact must have better ears.
This, my hope to bring,
In a better way.
This song I may sing,
Every single day.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
I sit secluded;
A social hole; Two corners.
The wall and floor lean against me,
But I hold them.
Soft fluorescent buzz.
Stairs lead away, not far.
I see you,
But I can't touch or speak to you.
Once I did, but I was lost,
I can't now.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Time To Be
Today is today,
As away is a way,
Of being a friend
From beginning to end.
A bird in the eye,
Or a pie on the fly.
A way of hope,
A way of love.
A time to grope,
For up above.
Life is life,
As strife is strife.
Heard a bird,
Don't say a word.
Time's a gone,
A wayward song.
Forever hear,
The time to be,
Forever near,
You here to me.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
See You
Long wistful solitude.
Lost in time; but moving.
Neither forward nor back;
But moving.
I look at you, and you,
Are moving,
But where.
Away from me,
But where.
I wonder if you see me;
You don't.
But do you want to,
You don't.
I wish I could touch you,
I won't.
Be with you,
I can't.
So what is it I do...
I guess....
Just see you.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Me Soon
I hear your steps.
I see your face.
Your fiery hair.
Your warm embrace.
I see myself,
Alone and kind.
I hope that you
Me soon will find.
True in your form
You soon will be.
I hope that you
Me soon will see.
I ask if you
Will lend your ear.
I hope that you
Me soon will hear.
I may be kind,
I may be true,
My only hope...
To be with you.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Waiting For You
Hiding behind the mountains warm,
While I lost and longing.
Waiting for you to shine,
Shine on me, with yellow light.
Bright fire glowing.
But why do you hide at night?
And leave me cold and dark,
Left to fulfill myself
With artificial heat and light.
So there you are; Hiding.
But I see you peek
Slightly grinning.
My heart yearns for you,
Wishing I could see you always.
I hate when we part.
You leave that last warm embrace,
That keeps me alive,
Knowing that you'll
Always be there.
And I will be there also,
Waiting for you.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Solace power rips light, and soul hard heart,
cold touch, tearing flesh, chewing bone, melted
Zenith, hot temper embraced between my heart.
My mind entangled, spirited for good, but
willed toward evil. Strong dark light, grieving
through hope. Glass flies shattering between,
in and out of life. Light seeing betwixt might
and love. Unleashed, with the power to burn,
the power to heal. When lost and alone, the
skill have I none, my strength lost to them,
they steal it peaceably, no argue from I,
destruction dark, shaking my hope, but never
lost through the ages, I, the last guardian
of truth and respect, bombarded by rays of
death and delight, my shoes cannot protect
me from spikes of fiends.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Envelope
Have I known this touch before;
Such pure thought courses through my soul.
Have I known this face before;
A smile that knocks my feet asunder,
Only to make me smile also.
I pinch myself; Ouch!
So there I am; Ga ga,
Flat on my back;
Staring into space.
A large planet enters the horizon,
It is you, looming over me.
True to form; Two bright stars
That look at me, as I look at them.
Sad though, the reflection is more than me,
But so may mine.
So I envelope myself with your presence,
And am lost.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
I Will Be There (hymn)
In that morn when Christ shall come, I will be there
And there may be only some, I will be there
And there to fill my joy
With every girl and boy
I will be there at the coming of the Lord.
In that war with Christ I'll fight, I will be there
And never to lose sight, I will be there
And there to stand tall
All for one and one for all
I will be there with the spirit of the Lord.
When I die in Heav'n I'll be, I will be there
And you I hope to see, I will be there
And there I may sing
Praise and joy to my king
I will be there in the glory of the Lord.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
There I Am
Extraordinary bliss,
Infracted light;
Encompassed rain of glowing clover,
Drops of water hit my head.
Wet with envy,
Lost with love,
Found by hope.
Once again, yes there I am,
In stars of glory; on my back.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
A Car
With wheels tumbling, gears grinding,
You take me there.
Little tiny horses run,
Which turn the crank and
Push the pistons.
No complaints, maybe a shudder,
All you ask: A drink of gas,
Vermouth dé oil.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Strange light glowing, filling me with warmth
But I, feeding electricity through;
Cut the switch.
Dark air collides with me, coursing
Through my soul;
One bright, but lost.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Spent Time
In my room;
Warm yellow light drenches my face.
A loud thought of joy in the corner.
A soft breeze whispers past my nose.
A melody encumbers my brain;
Grasped up.
I talk into technology;
You talk back.
Life swirls around my ankles,
Then my legs, chest, and head.
I can touch you;
I can feel you;
But I can't see you.
So there I am, floating;
I brush my back across the ceiling.
Push myself along the walls.
Great bliss;
Time spent.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Back Again
For hopes, and dreams, and goals, and life,
For love, and strength, for you, my wife,
My bond, my vow, my sacred word,
For all who hear, for all who've heard,
My love to thee is true, is strong,
For night, for day, for all life long,
To hold you close, to hold you near,
A dream come true, so do not fear,
For sin, for pain, yes all is well,
I will be strong, I will not fail,
I'll fight for thee in sacred place,
To cause no harm, or no disgrace,
Triumphantly I will come back,
With sword in hand, and foe in sack,
All of this, I do for you,
To show you that my love is true,
In life to come, yes up above,
To be with thee, my wife, my love,
My only wish, 'tis true to thee,
To then, and now, eternity...
...And back again.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Forever And A Day
I've been waiting for this day, all of my life.
I've been waiting for this day, to make you my wife.
I've been waiting for so long,
But I know our love is strong,
And it will burn bright,
All of the night,
And forever, and back again.
Now that we are here, face to face.
Now that we are here, in this holy place.
They say our time has come,
But it's really just begun,
For a fam'ly we will be,
For now to eternity,
And forever, and back again.
Our future looks so bright, now and forever.
Our future looks so bright, we will be together.
Forever and a day,
Our love will never fade away,
Whether joy or sorrow,
I'll be with you tomorrow,
And forever, and back again.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Your Heart
One-hundred-thirty days have passed.
I long for home to come at last.
Your light warm touch, your gentle hand;
Yes, I would conquer every land,
To see you once again, my friend,
To hold you close, until the end,
To feel you near, your lifelong love,
As soothing as a turtle dove.
My heart grows weak, from all this pain.
My tears, they fall like thund'rous rain.
But strength will come when you are near,
And once again, your voice I'll hear.
The time is coming, very soon,
I'll hold you underneath the moon,
And then our love we will restore,
We will be whole, forever more.
I miss your love, I miss your kiss,
But mostly, it's your heart I miss.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Glowing blades of grass, and rolling hills.
Lost in life; and love with all its thrills.
A helpful hand will reach out calling,
To keep me here and help from falling.
Yet with thoughts of you, and all my greed,
My heart left undone, yes I concede,
But trials of the past have left me here,
When all I need, is to have you near.
If I stop and think of you right now,
I may not make it; And yes, but how,
I long to hold you, and see your face,
You light every room, and every place.
Christ has shown me down his great straight path.
If I stop right now I'll feel his wrath.
Accept my concern and humble plea,
In hopes that someday, you'll be with me.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
To See
What can I say, when all is said and done?
I learned that in life, everything's not fun.
Where can I go, when there's nowhere else to be?
I learned that in life, everything's not free.
With all my joy,
And all my pain,
There's nothing like
The falling rain.
What can I see, when there's nothing else to do?
People yes sometimes, may not be true.
So why can I sit and watch my dreams go by?
People yes sometimes, may have to cry.
With all my love,
And all my hope.
Without you,
I cannot cope.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Climax
I sign the great hope of days past to joys
and dreams. Aloud the strengths of demons
howl, to brighten my ears that they will
hear the sounds of light. Eminent
destruction looms the grounds of earth, while
hairs of steel burn brightly throughout the
house. Razor sharp beams of ice shatter
the cold wetness over my head.
I hear warm glory enlighten my heart. A
lost sound, resounds in my soul, glowing
swords of light pierce my breath I see the
dreams of time past, with hope as my friend.
Love fills my heart, and softness in my ears.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Like Him
A lighted dream, of sorrows past.
A heart is felt, a soul at last.
A tear is shed, of joy or pain.
A glassy look, in fog or rain.
To help my soul, or help my friend.
To take a walk, until the end.
To grasp a point, of serious notion.
To pass a vote, by second motion.
My life is felt, a star above.
My friend might need, a little shove.
My eyes, see only God, it's true.
My heart, see's nothing less, in you.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
What to Do
A fateful thought, a glance, a tarry.
Alone again, myself to carry.
Chill in the air, a broken wing.
Once again, my heart will sing.
To help you gracious, warming fire,
I toss to you, my one desire,
Then I look, and follow after,
And in myself, a chilling laughter.
Tired of all this pillow wetting,
With each new day, a new regretting.
'tis simple if I end it so,
But not for me, that way to go.
I'll sweetly play on my kazoo,
And softly say how-do-you-do.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Price
Great destruction, lost in sin.
Knock on the door, he'll let you in.
A smiling face, a warm embrace,
And then away, my fears, he'll chase,
But once I start to look away,
Then no longer, can he stay.
I fall to Satan's evil snare,
And tell to you, to all, beware.
So then I watch him slowly go,
And under breath, I whisper, "So".
I think that I, alone am strong,
But tell you this, I know I'm wrong.
And so he died, that men might be,
But still he charges us a fee.
We can repent as you can see,
It's all left up to you and me.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Beginning
She loves me as a friend loves another,
She loves me as a sister loves a brother.
She loves as a mother to a son,
She loves as if life is just for fun.
As listener to the preacher,
She loves as student to the teacher
I love her as the flower loves the bee,
I love her as the captain loves the sea.
I love as a bear to his honey,
I love as a rich man to his money.
as the daylight to the sun,
I love as though I've almost won.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
In times of trial, in times of fate.
I open up the golden gate,
And then I let myself inside,
And enter in where gods reside.
A hopeful wish, I whisper there,
And to myself, I wonder where;
I cannot run, I cannot hide,
So by myself, I stay my side.
I wish that you won't be too late,
And so inside, I contemplate
Of things that you and I don't know,
So when you come, I'll tell you so.
And then my friend, when God is near,
Then you and I, we both will hear,
And then if you, my friend, agree,
We'll forever together be.
Just me and you and you and me.
For all time, and eternity.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Keep Trying
Who are you? I don't know,
But yet I do!
I think it is the veil
That I cannot see through.
Who has hurt you? I don't know,
And yet I do!
I think it was he,
That wasn't true to you.
My friend,
How time has come between us,
But that is not an end.
My friend,
I may not be with you now,
But soon I will attend.
We knew it wasn't easy,
And that is why we came.
We knew it wasn't easy,
And life is not a game.
When we left him we were perfect,
And try and fail we would,
But if we don't keep trying,
We'll only say, "I could..."
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
A children's folly tells the story,
Of fate, and love, and friends.
It was so easy when I was young.
But now, I have lost my way with time.
The stairs I once climbed, are now fallen,
I reach the door now, without help.
I see other children play; How I love them.
Why is fate so cruel to me?
No cares, just dreams for them.
All I have are things that worry me.
Because I try.
A scraped knee. No loss,
A kiss and then it's gone.
Why is love so cruel to my?
So free when I was them.
now a game that people play with me.
Because I cry.
Playing games and having fun,
Sure it's easy when there's many.
Why are friends so cruel to me?
Children how I wish I was one of them,
but still I am me.
Because I'm SKye.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Things
I see myself, like in a dream,
And all the things of God it seem,
Are simple things, a part of me
That only from without I see.
If I look inside instead
I only see a tiny shred;
But he prepared a way for all
To save us from that fateful fall.
Like a glowing fire within
That helps us through our sorrow and sin.
And more the wood we pile on, (Ezekiel 24:10)
Soon that natural man is gone.
It was he, who did that sacrifice.
We are the salt, he is the spice.
Beware of leaven, is what he said,
For a little bit will make us dead.
Our thoughts, our words, our acts, our deeds,
All plant within us little seeds,
And the care we give will help them grow.
We indeed, will reap the things we sow.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Lonesome Irish
A thought alighted 'cross me brow
It writh'd and stretch'd, I wander'd how,
The sweet yon' lass I longed to see,
Had e'er away be'n left from me.
For two long years I dream't o' her,
And all the time, my heart astir.
Instead of feel'n her soft fair face,
A cold dark air didst fill the place.
And all the gold I'd give in Ire',
To see my love, me one desire.
And how inside my heart dost mo'n,
Because am I still left alo'n.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Eulogy
In a dream the other night
God gave me help and more insight.
For I was dead, as I did see,
And as I read my eulogy
Many things about me said
That did mark my heart with dread:
"My dad. I can't even say that I knew the guy.
He was a good provider. I'm sure that he was a
hard worker. It's not so bad that he's dead,
he left us with everything we need. I just
wish he was near, so I could hear him say, "I
love you son." like he did when I was young.
Goodbye Dad."
When I read it, I was pained.
"What about my heart", I exclaimed.
Was I not loving or not caring,
Neither friendly, nor even faring?
In my quest to be inclined, I forgot he had a mind
That I should nurture and help grow,
Like I did so long ago.
"I will help you," I did scream.
As I awoke from my dream,
I tiptoed to my child's bed
And then I softly said,
"My son, I do love you.
My heart is changed and now I'm new."
I whispered in his ear
And from my eye a little tear
Dropped down upon the ground
Then I left without a sound.
And so the moral of the story
Is it's not money, fame, or glory.
For in this life what really counts
Is showing love in large amounts.
Despite my arrogance;
--Thank you God, for
Giving me a second chance.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
One Half
Barriers of broken thought.
Glances of intrinsic light.
Forms that frighten my mind.
I sense the determination.
I feel the pain that destroys my reason.
Hearts of lost souls waft my view.
Cold, lonely, tired, longing.
I push them out.
Something warm brushes past,
Turning, I see your back;
I stare, and watch you go.
I fall, but something lifts me up,
So I follow. I am lead home.
Then I sit and watch placidly,
Something familiar,
Something warm,
Something there.
I open my eyes, there I am.
I close my eyes, there you are.
One open, one closed; And I see,
We are together, you and me.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
When I think of You
Tepid breeze, of warm fierce fire,
Fill my soul, with dark desire.
Binding chains, of cold stern steel,
To wane the mind, and weaken the will.
Slicing strips, of shallow leather,
Breaking bare, what's bound together.
Pointed pins, of poignant pain,
Which prick the heart, and pick the brain.
Hematic red, with haggis hue,
Drips from swords, which slice you through!
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Proverbs 25:25
The world is full of crazy people,
Each with things to do.
All I ask, is for some time,
I want to hear from you. (Y'all)
I know that you are busy with your work,
And sometimes in my letters I'm a jerk,
But with your life please do a little sharing;
I sure love people who are kind and caring.
A missionary has enough rejection,
And comes to friends who give his life direction,
And when they write him back,
It's so exciting.
So won't you pick up a pen,
And do some writing?
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Dear Mother
My mother, whose hair is brown,
I wish she wore a golden crown.
She never had much,
But gave me all she had.
When I was a man,
She wished I was a lad,
So she could warm me, in her arms,
And protect me, from life's harms.
I may seem ungrateful,
It is true,
But dearest mother,
I'll always love you.
Dear Father
There have been times
When we haven't been so close,
But those were the times
That I wish we were the most.
We've been through pain.
We've been through sorrow,
But now we have
The hope of tomorrow.
I'm glad that we have changed
And become something new.
Dearest father, thank you,
for all that you do.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
The Answer
Lord is there,
hears your prayer. Ps. 55:17;1JN
asked a deal, Matt.
7:7;James 1:5;2NE
And now he'll heal. Ps. 30:2;Isa. 53:5;Alma 15:8
If you'll wait, Ps. 33:20;Gal. 5:5
be sublime, 1Thes.
And trust in God, Prov. 3:5-6;Moses 7:19
And in his time. Ecc. 3:1
Then you will see, Matt 5:8;John 16:16;1JN 3:2
meant to be.
Romans 12:12
On bended knee, Phil. 2:10;Romans 14:11
You'll be set free. John 8:32,36
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Binding chains of fate-
Break free: My heart.
Into the depths,
The calmness of my fear.
Make me see!
Help me hear-
My fractured soul!
Brush my heart with your anger-
I am digestible.
Let me in
Grappling at an unknown surface
Shaking wits.
Into kilter with the gods
Pleasure from the poison
Time to leave!
Silence the noise
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Dreams and sorrows are fading fast
But hope and joy I've found at last
A time to live a time to love
A time for all, yes up above
My time has come for here and now
I've found my soul somewhere somehow
I've found my thought I've found my friend
I hope to have until the end
One more day and one more trial
For all my life and all the while.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Incessant chides of laughing in my ears,
With pillow wetting songs I drain my tears.
I think about the way it used to be,
And now the only thing that I can see,
Is solace, death, and sorrow on my brow.
And sweet the guiding light of endless streets,
The wroth of indignation fills me now.
For silence, death, and Hell, my only treats.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
To the Database in the sky
(A collection of data organized in a manner which allow
I ask a question why-oh-why
Are bits and bytes the major way
Of storing data day by day?
With ABC and CPU
Why acronyms to say and do.
The simple things in life you see,
Now gone from us, yes you and me.
With computers now most things are done
Why yes, even to have some fun!
For some that's all where they can go,
Our little friend, that's Nintendo.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
With hair long soft and brown
Light silky touch of feather down
Who's beauteous eyes none can behold
Who's heart's so pure, as rich as gold
Thy problems solved will simple be
Look to your heart and you will see
The one for you lies far away
Fighting for you, day by day
For others near yes you will hear
The choice is simple let it go
All you have to say is NO! (to that other guy)
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Once a fire burning bright,
A soul was lost, a war to fight.
A heart was shed with angry pains,
And then locked-up with brazen chains.
A book of love was shown
And how that heart was grown
To an immensity of size
Oh how that soul did rise.
That heart was strong and true
That heart belongs to you.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
I See
I see the fire glowing true,
I see life, I see you.
I see the forest with the tree
I see hope, I see me.
I see the joy in everyone,
I see the sky, I see the sun
I see myself, yes very funny,
Hopping like an Easter bunny.
I've seen life, and I've seen love,
With glory here and up above
I've seen the hope, I've touched the dream
Sweet the taste, like cold ice cream.
I can't imagine where I'd be,
(ex)'Cept me with you, and you with me.
To ask for this, my heart is true
I want to spend my life with you.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
My Life
Slowly rumbling, tumbling, twisting
I turn, I toss, I cross the path.
My heart is full, my joy is warm
With hope and love I have no wrath.
About my head my thoughts are spinning
Friends and love and all of life
'Tis you I hope I'll soon be winning.
For my future chosen wife.
Of trials now and trials past
I know I'll have a happy home
And all of this I know will last,
I never want to be alone.
To hope to love, to hope to see,
To hope to live my life with thee.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
I see the hopes of time
Lost to the desires of will
A heart is dwelt on gladness
But burned by solaced touch
The warm embrace of love
Forgotten in the wind
To look out in the world
To see such sorrow
Here I sit. And there I stare,
A blank white page. With nothing there.
A forgotten past
Of dreams and hope
A solace found
A touch of life
My heart, full
My soul, full
My life, grasped
Of once pain
Now true
Friends for time
Gained for eternity
Maybe anew
Hope found.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Miscellaneous continued...
I see it bounce
Both up and down
A rubber ball both square
And round.
In life a turn or twist will tell
If all is lost or all is well.
A forward glance and you will see
Just what you do and what you'll be.
Keep aloft and keep on strolling
Chin up high and you'll be rolling.
If I am a Christian,
Why should I fear?
If I have faith,
then God
Is always near.
Please be patient,
Please be kind,
Keep on growing,
And you will find,
Life's great answers,
Always at the door.
If you keep knocking,
And asking for more.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
Miscellaneous continued...
For all the time we've never spent,
For all the dreams we've never shared.
For all the slime that's come and went,
Here's a guy that really cares.
Like cops love catching crooks,
Like librarians love books,
Like flies on fly-paper are stuck to the glue,
Darling it's true, I'm stuck on you.
Two thousand little fences,
each one to be crossed
and time the only factor
to right all that was lost.
Fly right, bold and bright. Keep in sight, the guiding light.
Stand back, from the black. Find a crack, in the attack.
We are the children of yesterday. Forgotten by the night.
The echoes of our senseless words, like riddles made by clowns.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
My Devotion
I couldn't ask you for your soul,
You couldn't ask me for my heart
--But somehow we're together,
After all, that is a start.
Implication and subjection
Reformation, introspection.
I wait at night with deep emotion,
And when we have played our game,
I want to give you my devotion,
Forever take away your pain.
I'd give my essence, for one moment,
You'd take it in, so why not me?
You don't leave your card without emotion,
So don't deny, what you can see.
I can't make you stop and listen,
Que serah, what will be,
A thousand words still lack the painting
Of our eternity.
If the camera lens is broken
Then the pose is just a trick;
I smiled, you pushed the button,
So the picture was your pick.
Logic holds no reason.
Fate holds no sway.
To develop takes some time;
I will wait, I will stay.
I will be yours forever,
If it takes another day.
Written By:
D. SKye Hodges
There is form in the universe,
And sense cannot be made.
Yet, decisions must.
I push them away, holding to what I have
You push them away, not to lose what you lost.
What I lost, I gave
And hope is for the worst.
I hope to give you what is ours:
-The joy that we deserve.