Welcome to my Guestbook!

jill - 10/29/00 07:08:48
My URL:http://www.AtTheWell.com
I'm enjoying your website, especially like "A good story" about the door.

Robert - 10/23/00 14:52:24
My Email:RJM49@netzero.net
Hi! You have a great website here. I came to your site from a link on the WXPZ listener pages. I noticed that one of my very good cyber friends has already been to your webpage, and that is Kristy from New Mexico(one4him@webtv.net). She is a great e-frien . Were you at Lambjam this year? I was and I loved it. I am also from Delaware. I live in Hartly. Well, take care and God Bless

DENISE - 10/04/00 00:37:57

sky - 09/15/00 05:28:55
My Email:skyeberspace@webtv.net
Good Job as usual. I just love how God is working in your life to work in others :) Love you B!

Betty - 08/04/00 04:29:21
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/chow_5/index.html
Hi Barb, thanks for visiting me & signing my guestbook. WOW you have a GREAT website yourself. I also have it bookmarked so I can visit often. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep up the great job!

Sue Wheeler - 07/31/00 06:47:55
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/suew40601/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:suew40601@yahoo.com
You've done a great job on your homepage. Keep up the good work my friend. Love you, Sue

angela hooper - 06/14/00 03:59:55
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/angela.hooper
My Email:angelslove7@webtv.net
love your page sis. keep up the good work.

Barbara Moore - 06/01/00 02:27:35
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/fancyface36/ADaughtersLove
My Email:fancyface36@webtv.net
I love your site. I can tell you have put a lot of work into it. I will be back to visit again

George - 05/31/00 05:28:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/Spa/4508
My Email:gumba66@webtv.net
Hi This is one of the most rewarding sites i have ever been to.I enjoyed my stay and will come back to see more. Come visit my humble site and if you will sign my guestbook. God Bless. George

Gail Plummer - 05/30/00 20:35:27
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Dream_Angel54/WeAreWeakYetHeIsStron
My Email:Dream_Angel54@webtv.net
I want to thank you first off, by stoping by my web page and taking the time to signg it. I also want to say you've got an awesome web page. I love it all. You've got so much to look at, it's hard to do it all in one visit. I guess this is good so peop e come back LOL!!You've got some wonderful pages dedicated to our Lord, I love them the most. Keep up the good work for our Lord, and keep up the good work on your pages.God Bless LoveYour Sister InChrist Gail

Maisey - 05/29/00 14:08:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/maiseyjo/
Love your pages! I especially enjoyed looking through your recipies. I'll be back to check out what you are doing here. God Bless!

Pamela - 05/13/00 14:31:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SaintPJ/index.html
My Email:SaintPJ@webtv.net
Barb what a fantastic site this is. You have done a splendid work here. I can see that it was a labor of love. Very creative and wonderful graphics and content. Thanks for a great time!

angela hooper - 05/10/00 05:29:36
My Email:angelslove7@webtv.net
just look at my new site i have and link me to yours. your page is nice. send me your address to your page so i can have my friend put your webpage on my page. love your page it helped me in my time of need. God bless you.

Veronica Kerperien-Robinson - 04/22/00 01:25:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rareearthwoman/
My Email:VKerperien_robin@hotmail.com
Nice site I am a All My children fan also.

Kristy - 03/15/00 05:31:53
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/uh_oh_oh_no/WherewereyouwhenI/
My Email:one4him@webtv.net
Wow Barb, You have an awesome web site. I have been back two times already, and will be back again. There is something for everyone. I've really enjoyed myself. Thanks for sharing it with us. Blessings, Kristy

Dwain - 03/05/00 16:19:04
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/marsdust/centerMarsDusts/
My Email:marsdust@webtv.net
Hi!! Your site is great!! I enjoyed my visit & will be back again. :-) Dwain

elle - 03/02/00 07:49:10
My Email:elle-p@webtv.net
hi ! wow this is the first time I ever noticed your name was a link! absolutely fabulous page! I have been to some of these links and they are great and for the ones I have not been to I will check them out! God Bless! love ya ! elle

Butch321 - 02/27/00 03:21:32
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/Route66/HeroTCC/
hi Barb... Great Page you have here .... Keep up the great work

White Horse - 02/26/00 20:07:23
My URL:http://white-horse.net
My Email:WhiteHorse@white-horse.net
Howdy! What a GREAT web-site! I would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition; The White Horse Peace Trail. A FUN way to promote your web-site. Interested? Accepting sign-ups now for March Contests from G-Rated (FAMILY-SAFE) Sites. IF your entire site IS G-Rated, Click On The Graphic.

Richard 'Sloop' Kuhlman - 02/24/00 19:36:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sloop2_99/anamvet.html
My Email:Tigersloopy@webtv.net
What a delightful web site you have here! Being a 'webber' myself, I can appreciate the tremendious amount of work you've done here. I was hoping to see some pics of your tanks. Although I'm an African cichlid fan, myself, I still love those big and beautiful Gold Sevrums. Good job! Sloop

Bobbie Jo - 02/16/00 13:20:16
My Email:TeddieXOXO@aol.com
BJ- You have come a long way!! This is just too cool!!

KC - 02/14/00 15:46:00
My URL:http://www.bornagainchat.com
My Email:kc@bornagainchat.com
Great page! I am a sucker for recipes! Can't stand Sobe though. LOL You have worked hard! Keep it up!

SheilaJaye - 02/11/00 04:55:21
My Email:Nevertoolateto@webtv.net
WOW! you have a very beautiful web site! Looks like you have really worked hard on it. God bless you

Melinda - 02/06/00 03:27:57
My Email:Amber_007@webtv.net
I like your page it's really cool

Helen & Robert Hamilton - 02/02/00 22:53:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~I_L_G_D_Y/scripture. html
My Email:samirhham@webtv.net
Hello Barb--We just had a wonderful trip through many of your pages, they are very refreshing & interesting. We especilly enjoyed your Scripture pages & your obvious love for our LORD. GOD BLESS YOU--- HELEN & ROBERT

MistyRain - 02/02/00 05:07:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/8371
My Email:cl@magnoliadesig ns.com
Great job on your site! I enjoyed my visit, still following some of your wonderful links now! *S*

Kara - 01/28/00 22:35:09
My URL:http://www .geocities.com/kara_in_nj
My Email:Milenium_Gal@web tv.net
Hi. Nice page. I love the background color on the main page! Keep up the good work. --Kara--

Starla - 01/27/00 07:44:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/starla/index.html
Awesome page you have here....I can tell you have put so much work into it...good luck with it : )

Bill - 01/25/00 05:13:47
My URL:http://www .angelfire.com/hi2/youAll
You have some great pages, i have 6 fishtanks, my baby is a 240 gallon one. I realy enjoyd my visit and will come back. Thanks for inviting me.

Big Man - 01/20/00 20:30:31
My Email:sharkbite30@webtv .net
You have a very nice page and alot of interesting stuff. I've enjoyed checking it out.

maisey - 01/13/00 19:36:09
My URL:http://w ww.angelfire.com/mo/maiseyjo/
My Email:maiseyjo@webtv.net
wow you're page is great! I'm going to have a lot of fun checking it all out. Maisey

maisey - 01/13/00 19:35:54
My URL:http://w ww.angelfire.com/mo/maiseyjo/
My Email:maiseyjo@webtv.net
wow you're page is great! I'm going to have a lot of fun checking it all out.

Charles - 01/13/00 05:08:08
My URL:http://ww w.angelfire.com/ms/papagone
My Email:papagone1@webtv.net
It`s a very nice page Didn`t have time to realy look at it though will be later to realy go over it

Peggy Reese - 12/30/99 07:49:38
My URL:http://www.bornag ainchat.com
My Email:crossfeeder@webtv
This is a very well done page.You are a very talented person .God's Blessings upon you my dear friend.

Cathi : ) - 12/19/99 04:40:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills /9703/welcome.html
My Email:Alwayz_a_lady@w ebtv.net
You have done an awesome job! I enjoyed my visit VERY much, and will be back. I put you in my favorites! Happy Holidays! Cathi : )

Sharon - 10/03/99 23:19:51
My Email:Sharonfromwa@web tv.net
What a very nice page I have really enjoyed it you did a very good job. God Bless You and Be With You Always.

sky - 08/08/99 12:57:24
My Email:skyberspace@webtv .net
Hey you! wow, too cool B... I am so glad to hear what my sis sounds like too. You have a lovely voice and your page is kewl and glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ. Of course I like the recipes :-) and cant wait to really explore. God bless my B !

james - 08/01/99 21:16:43
My Email:stonecstunner@w ebtv.net
nice page mom

james - 08/01/99 21:10:36
My Email:stonecstunner@w ebtv.net
nice page mom

Alan - 06/27/99 04:55:38
My Email:Amack@wildmail.com
I love fish too and enjoyed your page.

Alan - 06/27/99 04:54:31
My Email:Amack@wildmail.com
I love fish too and enjoyed your page.

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