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Janie - 07/05/00 19:39:01
My Email:janieleigh44@hotmail.com

Hello It looks good

sebastiano - 06/22/00 12:36:43
My URL:http://utenti.tripod.it/seposadi/index.html
My Email:seposadi@tiscalinet.it

grazie per la visita al mio sito. thank you for yor visite at my site. Ciao, sebastiano

Sebastiano - 03/14/00 00:22:52
My URL:http://sebastiano.firenze.net
My Email:seposadi@tiscalinet.it

I'm always surprise by your works that i love very much. Ciao, Sebastiano

micah - 03/13/00 21:19:52
My URL:http://www.refmaker.com/members/micahtx.shtml

this is a great site!!!

Darlene - 10/10/99 02:10:56
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/jdnol/SEASONSINTHESMOKYS/
My Email:jdnol@webtv.net

I enjoyed your recipes. Made me hungry. Here is something for you.

Random Acts of Kindness

Lisa - 07/21/99 21:39:17
My Email:leejoejayp@aol.com

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've searched everywhere for homemade eggroll or wonton wrappers. Yours is the only recipe I found. I can't wait to try it.

Patty - 07/01/99 23:14:53
My Email:M_M_77@hotmail.com

ok Frankie here i am...sorry i can't try your food but i can't cook..:o(..but i'm sure there great cuz i tryed those peanutbutter cookie and they were sooooo good....ok talk to you later.. *hugs* & *kisses* Love, Patty

Dan Miller - 06/28/99 06:32:19
My Email:millertime90

pretty cool needs good sweet-and-aour recipe

Nona - 06/07/99 17:06:02

looks good. it doesn't hurt my eyes any more.

Nona - 06/07/99 17:03:49

looks good. it doesn't hurt my eyes any more.

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