1. First of all, the word of God says that there are none righteous, no not one (Ro. 3:10). That means everyone. You, me, and every single person that has ever been born of a man and woman. Isaiah 64:6 says that all our righteousness are like filthy rags. That we are unclean! Do you fall into this catagory?
2. The reason for this is because ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Ro. 3:23). Falling short of God's glory means falling short of His perfection, His sinlessness. Once you committed that first sin at an early age, we fell short of God's glory. Have you sinned? Do you fall into this catagory?
3. Now, due to this condition, there is a "payment" coming to you! Your payment (or wages) for your sin is death (Ro. 6:23a). Not just physical death. Because you see, we will all die physically regardless of what we do with Christ. This is also spiritual death (also known as the "second death"). Second death is being cast into the "Lake Of Fire" which is what happens when your name is NOT in the book of life as a result of NOT being "born again" and saved (see Rev. 20:14,15: 21:8). Is that the direction that you will be going at this point in your life?
4. So what can be done about this awful situation that you are in? Is there any hope? Yes there is! It is through Jesus Christ our Lord! Through Him there is eternal life. You cannot earn it. As you have seen, you do not deserve it. IT IS A FREE GIFT (Ro. 6:23b).
5. So at this point you have hopefull realized (by the grace of God) that you are a wicked sinner deserving of an eternity in Hell. IF YOU DON'T, THEN THERE REALLY IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO PROCEED FURTHER! If you do then look and see what Christ has done for you:
A. God loved all kinds of people in the human race so much that He gave (there it is again- 'gave') His only begotten Son (Jn.3:16) to die on the cross (Ro.5:8), shed His blood (Heb.9:22) and rise again (Ro.10:9b) effectually for those who will believe and trust in that. The sinless (Christ) for the sinful (you)! (2Cor. 5:21).So, how about it? Do you realize that you are a sinner on your way to Hell? Are you convicted about your sin? Do you now realize that Christ's death on the cross and rising again is the only thing that can pay for your sins? My hope and prayer for you is that you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for YOUR sins (not just everyone elses), and rose again. That you will Repent of your sins and turn to Christ (Acts 2:38; 3:19) to love Him (Mk.12:30; Jn.14:15) and serve Him (Ro.12:1) the rest of your life!B. Christ and His work on the cross is the only way a person can go to Heaven. There is no other person or way! (Jn.14:6; Acts 4:12)
If you have done the above, there are some things that you should do:
1) Start attending a bible believing church where Christ is honored and grace through faith alone in Christ alone, is preached.2) Start reading and studying the word of God personally (2Tim. 2:15). The book of John is a good place to start.
3) Pray to God regularly (1Thes. 5:17).
4) Tell others what Christ has done for you and others who would believe (Acts 1:8).
5) E-mail me at Lovitz5@aol.com if I can be of any help or answer any questions.