Statement of Faith
1. | The Bible is the infallible, inerrant word of the Living God.2. | There is one God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the
holy Spirit, also known as the Trinity. | 3. | Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary, sinless in the flesh and God
manifested in the flesh. 100% God, 100% man! | 4. | Salvation is by grace through faith ALONE in Christ Jesus ALONE. | 5. | Salvation will produce good works, and a person can't "not believe" and be
saved. | 6. | The necessity of the shedding of Christ's blood for the remission of sins. | 7. | The bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. | 8. | The imminent return of Christ for His church (all born again believers). | 9. | A literal "hell" for all people who have not been born again(and trusted
Jesus Christ as their Savior). | 10. | Water Baptism is for the new Believer done by immersion. | 11. | The Lord's Supper(Communion) is offered "as often as you will" in
rememberence of what Christ did on the cross for believers. The "bread" and
"juice" are REPRESENTATIVE of Christ's body and blood! | 12. | Revelatory gifts ended with the apostolic age(1st century church).
"Tongues" was a language unknown to the speaker YET known to the hearers. | |