Welcome to my Guestbook!

CATHY BENT - 10/31/00 13:44:23
My Email:cbent@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find me?: email


Terrica - 10/30/00 12:37:39
My Email:begs1098girl@cs.com
How did you find me?: support group

Your website is great. Hey thanks for telling me about that sond from the Dixie Chicks. I will be waiting to hear it. That is what I go to sleep to at night and wake up to the next morning. Hey I have a song for you to check out.It is called "Fly" By Celi e Dion. That is the song that I played at my sons funeral. YOu may find great comfort in it or you may not but check it out please. Hope to talk to you again soon.

inez maciel - 09/05/00 03:55:37
My Email:inezmaciel@hotmail.com

I am trying to find out what bi polar disorder is. Do you know? inezmaciel@hotmail.com

Angel Blue Eyes - 07/12/00 01:24:18
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:divineangels@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: an angel whisperd it to me


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels in our Grand Opening. The Divine Angels is a new internet group devoted to women. A safe place where members can join together to discuss their problems, stories, and lives. A place to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders. We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

pk - 06/06/00 04:42:27
My URL:http://www.pkbutterfly.com
My Email:pk@pkbutterfly.zzn.com
How did you find me?: just surfed in

Your site is very touching as are your poems for Dylan. My heart goes out to you. Thanks for sharing. Loving prayers, pk

Come fly with me!

Jamie - 04/21/00 09:07:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TimothyDakota/home.html
My Email:lilmissc00@webtv.net
How did you find me?: from another angel site

Your website is beautiful. You did a great job. May god bless you always!!!

Michelle - 02/20/00 00:02:33
My Email:lori_michelleb@hotmail.com

Hey Jennie! It's Michelle. Just wanted to stop by and say hi! Love ya!!

Bryan Minney - 01/05/00 16:44:52
My Email:JaberJaw78@home.com
How did you find me?: YOu sent me the link


Angel NUlle - 12/02/99 02:13:25
My Email:OceansAngel@webtv.net
How did you find me?: Email

Hi Jennie,i love your graphics....Thankyou for joining my list.... Angel

Renee - 11/28/99 02:12:59
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net
How did you find me?: another site

Please visit our newest page Kids to Remember Christian Links for Kids and Teens

Jason - 09/30/99 12:07:13
How did you find me?: IM

Hi Jennie. Great poetry. Not much time. Just wanted to say hi and XOXOXOXOXOXOXO... ;-)

Suzanne - 06/22/99 06:15:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/OurAngel
My Email:jacsrc@ipa.net
How did you find me?: Angel Babies Loved Forever

I just wanted to say that I visited Dylan's page, and look forward to when you are able to finish his story. The page is looking wonderful! Take care.

Mary - 06/16/99 20:11:45
My Email:maryb@wcc.net
How did you find me?: looking at my nephew's web page

You are a wonderful mother and person. Don't let the negative stuff get you down. I made the same decision you did except I was 35 years old (old enough to know better some say), but I believe everything happens for a reason. I have a healthy 5 year old, ut I went through a lot of guilt because my married sister wanted so much to have one more child (she has 2 others), and last June lost him about 5 months into the pregnancy. The guilt I felt because I chose to be a single parent and raise my son myself. y son's father has always been supportive of my decision. I hope the best for you. I hope your son and my nephew Zachary are friends in heaven. Remember time and prayer heals all. Best wishes, Mary and Christopher

Christa - 05/19/99 17:23:35
My Email:Christanemmalee@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Our_Angels

Jennie- this is a great page. And just think- maybe Emmalee and Dylan are friends in heaven just like their Mommies are on earth. Sweet thought huh?? It's a beautiful page hunny. I love it. Love Christa, Vinnie, And Emmalee* left for heaven 1-15-99*

angie - 05/11/99 02:50:39
My Email:alt_rph
How did you find me?: surfing

As a youth worker, I'd like to say I'm proud of you for NOT having an abortion. So many teenagers take the easy way out, but you didn't. No child should have to be murdered because of their mother's mistakes. sorry things turned out the way they did. I had a stillborn myself. Is your page finished? I couldn't find in it what happened to him. Stay strong & have a wonderful life. God bless

Jennie Atkins - 05/02/99 22:14:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ophelia794
My Email:Ophelia794@aol.com
How did you find me?: My Mom Is A Survivor Web Ring

You have done a wonderful job on this page. I'm sure that Dylan is very proud of the beautiful way his mommy is remembering him.

Bonnie Hallock - 04/06/99 06:26:53
My Email:bbhallock@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: You!

You've done a terrific job so far, can't wait to see it when it is finished. I think the cows are really cute!

Kathy Magwire - 03/29/99 04:46:09
My Email:maxkathy@inetnebr.com
How did you find me?: A Place to Remember

Hi, thank you for telling me about your website. There is so much on the internet! I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you.

Your Caring brother - 03/06/99 19:15:14
My Email:javisdesse@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: by You

You know I love you, and i'm always here for. I'm just a call away. W/ hugs & kisses & love, Jesse

Aunt Owwee - 02/12/99 11:02:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/7352
My Email:dreamwest@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: From the unborn angels site link

This is a very moving home page, very well done. Thank you for sharing. May God bless.

Anella - 02/05/99 22:29:49
My Email:a-thompson@cornell-iowa.edu
How did you find me?: you sent me a link :-)

it looks great hon

Tro - 02/05/99 22:23:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/tro
My Email:tro@aol.com
How did you find me?: through your IM :)

Your story is very touching {{{{{{{}}}}}}}} - tro

Renee - 02/05/99 03:31:18
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/ps/angeldream/index.html
My Email:renee@mwt.net
How did you find me?: From you!

I am so sorry for the loss of your son, Dylan! He is now playing on Heaven's Playground! You are in my thoughts and prayers! I hope to talk to you soon!!! Hugs! Renee

sue - 02/02/99 22:41:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/9805
My Email:quiet@flash.net
How did you find me?: been here before

((((((((Jennie)))))) was just on Dylan's page and came to yours..love you and your precious angel. thinking of you sue

Angie - 02/02/99 22:08:15
My Email:AngeliaMA@aol.com
How did you find me?: a friend

I am so sorry that you and Dylan aren't phyically together anymore. You are a very strong young woman, and I'm sure that someday you will tell his brothers or sisters about their angel brother. This site is a great memorial to him.

Jenn Caufman - 01/25/99 20:53:35
My URL:http://www.hygeia.org/letterstosarah.htm
My Email:acehi@swconnect.net
How did you find me?: angelbabies

Just wanted to let you know that I stopped by. You have a lovely memorial to Dylan. Tammy is helping me with my page too. Hopefully I'll be able to share it soon! The URL listed above is for my book at HYGEIA. Although about stillbirh, alot of the same motions(as you know by now) apply. Feel free to list it with your links if you'd like. Sincerely, Jenn Abilene, Tx

Rick/your uncle!!! - 01/23/99 18:01:54
My Email:rickmeyer13@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: you gave it!!!

Hi,well this is vanna but dad says that he likes your page and Dylan's page both!!! well this has to be short so bye, love ya like a sister, Vanna and Uncle Rick!!!!

vanna lynn meyer - 01/22/99 14:15:05
My Email:myonlyloveisu@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: You told me

I really like your page and Dylan's page too! I don't know what else to say so better go,bye! P>S> oh I didn't know that you wrote poetry

Chris Hurd - 01/21/99 19:38:35
My Email:Butburgler@aol.com
How did you find me?: You told me dear!!!!

I really loved you site Jennie. Thank you for sharing it with me

Annie - 01/20/99 04:11:17
My Email:Taz2222222@aol.com
How did you find me?: you

You know that I love you and will always be there for you!!

PattiK - 01/19/99 21:39:52
My Email:cherryorchard@wmn.net
How did you find me?: GROWW . Miscarriage Group

((((((((Jennie)))))))))), Your site touched my heart. . I especially love your poems page. . .Keep up the good work . .I will come back later and see the changes! Love, Patti

Michele DeGennaro - 01/19/99 01:47:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/mdege/index.html
My Email:MAVDEN@aol.com
How did you find me?: From a friend

Your site is coming along beautifully!

Tiffany Warren - 01/19/99 00:46:41
My Email:Gwenevre@aol.com
How did you find me?: Angel Babies

I guess that you can say that your Dylan and my Christopher are playing together and are getting in trouble....Thank you for listening to me and being a friend when I really needed one. Tiffany... Mom to Christopher Alexander Warren-Timothy-Smith 11/29/98

Melissa Nerland - 01/16/99 20:14:17
My Email:TroyandMis@aol.com
How did you find me?: Angel Babies

Thank you for sharing your special site with me.

Connie - 01/15/99 02:45:29
My URL:http://members.aol.com/tl101790
My Email:TL101790@aol.com
How did you find me?: Our Little Angels Webring

Jennie, you have a very beautiful website and I am proud that to be linked with it in the Our Little Angels Webring! I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your son! Like you said, he was just too perfect for earth! I look forward to a long and prosper us friendship! God Bless You ! Please Visit My Angel:

Andy - 12/15/98 04:30:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/trypwire/
My Email:flippx187@aol.com
How did you find me?: guest-book

smooooth site......! slide bye mine sometimes...

David Holland - 12/08/98 02:03:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Quarter/3242/
My Email:david@crogga.enterprise-plc.com
How did you find me?: you left a note in my guestbook!!

Hi - I'm in six degrees too - I'm still working on my site too! You've had about ten more people than me so far! Sad isn't it? Oh well - maybe in a years time we'll have a few million on our counters!! I'll come and see the site again soon - looks lik you're still adding. No problemo, baby... don't rush :-) I'll see how it's going every now and then! Anyway, see you around, love David xxx

Kristi - 12/03/98 01:08:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/praisinghim
My Email:heaton27@tds.net
How did you find me?: From you

Your site is beautiful.

Judy W. - 12/03/98 00:48:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gardens/5991/index.html
My Email:phil413jen@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Heavenly Angels @ Groww

Dear Jennie, These pages are so beautiful. I don't blame you for not wanting anyone to copy the graphics. You are off to a good start with this precious site. I've bookmarked it so I can visit again. Thank you for sharing it with me. God bless you and your family. Dylan is in His hands. Love, Judy W.

Teri Moore - 12/02/98 02:40:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/6380
My Email:Teri624@aol.com
How did you find me?: a friend

(((((((((((Jennie))))))))))) You have my deepest sympathy for your loss of your precious little Dylan. And my warmest thoughts. You have done a wonderful job on your pages, it does help a little to make a page in dedication of our angels..I have done the same thing. Love you much sweetie! Teri

Kelli Moran - 10/25/98 00:12:35
My Email:cutepi19@mailcity.com
How did you find me?: I couldn't lose you

Hey girlfriend! Like the page! E-mail me soon,goober:)

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