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Northwest Quilters Quilt Show - March '99

nwq9901.jpg (21595 bytes) Northwest Quilters (NWQ) puts on am un-juried show every year during spring-break in Portland Oregon.  The show is held at PSU Smith Center.   Here are some pictures from this year's show but there are many, many more quilts than shown.

As you enter the main viewing area this is what you see. Quilts..quilts.. and more quilts.


(This is my first experience with our new digital camera.  I took these pictures 3/26 and am posting them 3/27.  Cool...)

nwq9902.jpg (33947 bytes) The featured quilter this year was Katie Wolfe (sorry if I spelled that wrong).  These are some of the quilts that Katie has finished during her quilting career.
nwq9903.jpg (25838 bytes) You didn't think this was going to be an unbiased page did you?  This is my Frog quilt.
nwq9904.jpg (29576 bytes) These are a few of the challenge quilts.   Threadhead Barb's is that in the center and Cathy's is on the right.  I have a closeup of Cathy's wallhanging.


All challenge participants were given a FQ of the challenge fabric (that in the center of Cathy's quilt).  In secret each created a quilt using that fabric.

nwq9905.jpg (24593 bytes) Miscellaneous quilts. 
nwq9906.jpg (15877 bytes) My guess is that this quilt will win the viewer's selection 'Best of Show'.  I can't credit the quilter right now (anyone have that info for me?) but I know she did a beautiful job.  This quilt is hand-quilted with the 'stab' method!!. 
nwq9907.jpg (23948 bytes) Here are quilters hard at work on next year's raffle quilt.
nwq9908.jpg (25977 bytes) Many Threadheads entered their mystery quilts, 12 entrants in all.  Those on the far wall belong to (left to right, top to bottom)   Gale, Carol, Arden and Janice.
nwq9909.jpg (25632 bytes) These were made by Nedra, Barb, Susan K. and Sue A.
nwq9910.jpg (25825 bytes) And these belong to Marje, Cathy, Marilyn and Sue F.
nwq9911.jpg (9347 bytes) Barb went shopping at the vendor mall and only bought this one little bag full of goodies.  Yeah...right...




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