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Member's Quilt Gallery Page 3 :  Late October '98

jan1.jpg (11281 bytes) Jan won some patriotic challenge blocks at a local quilt shop, Scarborough Flair.  She added a few more blocks and made this quilt up.   Then she donated it back to quilt shop as a raffle quilt for Scarborough Flair's charity fundraising event.  It raised over $125 for the charity!
arden1.jpg (6810 bytes) This is a blast from the past.  I ran across this photo taken a couple of years ago at the NWQ quilt show.  This quilt was made by our fearless leader Arden.  Too bad I don't have a picture of her entry last year.   It was a darling hedgehog.
barbl3.jpg (9172 bytes) And this is Barb's entry in the same show.  It's a log cabin in the round that creates a cool seahorse shape!


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