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th_bar.jpg (1201 bytes)

Member's Quilt Gallery Page 7 :  April 2000

millenium.jpg (18429 bytes) This is Cathy's millenium quilt.  It really turned out cool!
glass.jpg (15811 bytes) This is Jan's stained glass quilt.  Pardon the picture. It was taken at the NWQ sho and I had to shoot around people and other obstacles.
storm.jpg (24585 bytes) This photo was also taken at the quilt show.  This is Arden's storm at sea with a mariner's compass inserted into it.  I think the way that Arden changes the lights and darks in the border blocks looks cool.
lasagna.jpg (20728 bytes) Same story on the photo.  This is Barb's Lasagna mystery quilt.  Don't ask me why the mystery was called Lasagna...
trees.jpg (19338 bytes) And here is a picture of Nedra's tree quilt, also taken at the quilt show.  Looks good!
laugh.jpg (7712 bytes) And here is a quilt that Barb made for a special occasion.  I'm not sure I'm supposed to mention what it is yet.  It was obviously a fun quilt to make!

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