Symbols Of The Bible

BUTTERFLY - Symbol of the resurrection and eternal life.
As the butterfly leaves the pupa and soars upward with a new body,
so through Jesus Christ are his followers born to a new life.

CLOVER/SHAMROCK - The three leaves make the clover an easy to
understand symbol of the Trinity.
Legend says St. Patrick used the clover to explain the Trinity in his preaching.

COLUMBINE - The seven petals of the columbine blossom stand for the seven gifts
of the Holy Spirit as given in Rev. 5:12 - "power, riches, wisdom, might, honor, glory and blessing"

CHRISTMAS ROSE - Symbol of the Nativity and messianic prophecy.

DOVE - Expresses purity and innocence. It also signifies the Holy Spirit
and the presence of God as hovering over the water at creation,
and above Jesus at his baptism.

FISH - Early Christians used the secret sign to identify themselves
to fellow Christians as believers in Jesus.

HOLLY - The holly symbolizes the crown of thorns and recalls the passion of Christ.

LILY - Symbol of immortality. The bulb decays in the ground, yet new life springs from it.

LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY - This little blossom signifies purity and humility.

MYRTLE - From early times the myrtle has been the symbol of love.
It also refers to those who have come to Christ.

OLIVE BRANCH - Symbol for peace, harmony and blessing.

PALM BRANCH - Sign of triumphant rejoicing.

PEACOCK - Resurrection. When the peacock looses its feathers
it grows more brilliant ones than those he lost.

POMEGRANATE - The symbol of the Resurrection and the power of our Lord
who broke the bonds of the tomb and come forth.

VIOLET - The humility of the Son of god in assuming human form.

WATER LILY/LOTUS -A blossom of exquisite beauty and purity,
with its roots in the mud, suggests that the life of the Christian
may rise through and above unlovely and evil influences.

WHEAT - Bread of Life.

DOGWOOD TREE - Symbol of the crucifixtion of Christ.

The Legend Of The Dogwood

There is a legend that at the time of the
dogwood had been the size of the oak and
other forest trees. So firm and strong
was the tree that it was chosen as the
timber of the cross. To be used thus for
such a cruel purpose creatly distressed
the tree, and Jesus, nailed upon it sensed
this, and in His gentle pity for all sorrow
and suffering said to it, "Because of your
regret and pity for my suffering, never
again shall the dogwood tree grow large
enough to be used as a cross. Henceforth
it shall be slender and bent and twisted
and its blossoms shall be in the form of
a cross...two long and short petals.
And in the center of the outer edge of
each petal there will be nail prints,
brown with rust and stained with red, and
in the center of the flower will be crown
of thorns, and all who see it will

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