{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Antigoni;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}{\f4\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Batang;}{\f5\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f6\fdecor\fprq2\fcharset0 Harrington;}{\f7\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Bedini;}{\f8\froman\fprq2\fcharset129 @Batang;}{\f9\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f10\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f11\fdecor\fprq2\fcharset0 Algerian;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red128\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\b\f0\fs20 I ship USA only.\cf0\b0 Please send me your shipping address by e-mail and let me know what type of payment will be sent and please send me your mailing address.. \par \par \pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 Your order will be shipped parcel post mail unless you would like priority mail at $12.50. Insurance is $1.70 (Optional) Payment to be made within 7 days of confirmatuion. I accept Money Order, Please make payable to **** JUDY LUJAN *******. Mailing address is 1289 Parkview Dr., Elko, NV 89801, Google Checkout or PayPal if you would like to pay with your credit card. PayPal user ID is: glasslass_98@yahoo.com \par Thank you for your business and I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchases! UPS Orders \par \pard\f0\fs20 **** Please confirm message by email and let me know what type of payment will be sent. ****\par \par Your order will be shipped UPS Ground. Please pay within 7 days from order date. Please make payable to **** JUDY LUJAN *******. Mailing address is 1289 Parkview Dr., Elko, NV 89801 I accept Personal Checks (order held 10 days for check to clear) or money order (mailed with 48 hours after payment is received) I also accept PayPal if you would like to pay with your credit card. PayPal user ID is: glasslass_98@yahoo.com \par Thank you for your business and I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase! \par \par ORDER CONFIRMATION\par Just a note to let you know that your order has been processed and I will send you a UPS Tracking Number when it is shipped. Thank you for shopping at Judy's Closet.\par \par SALES LETTER\par \pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 I have lowered my prices on hundreds of items. I have work hard to offer a very large, \line high-quality selection at very competitive pricing. Come on in and take a look at the new items I have listed and the reduced/sales now offered.\par \b\fs28 Fenton Charleton Roses Silver Crest # 206 footed comport. It measures 7" across. It is in excellent condition with NO chips, cracks or repairs. The gold is in excellent condition. It has a square crimp with the Charleton Roses decoration, circa 1940-1950 $50.00\par \b0\fs24\par \pard\sb100\sa100\qc\cf2\b\f2\fs28 Pattern: \cf0 Daises on Custard \par Figurine, Donkey #5125DC\par \cf2 Color:\cf0 Yellow Satin w/Handpainted Dasies (artist signed)\par \cf2 Made by: \cf0 Fenton (1978 - 1980)\par \cf2 Measurments: \i\f3\fs24 \cf3\i0\f2\fs28 4-3/4" long, 4-5/8" tall by 1-1/2" wide\b0\i\par \cf2\b\i0 Condition:\cf0 Excellent condition with no chips, cracks or repairs\par \pard\sb100\sa100\b0\f1\fs24\par \cf4\b\f4 This is a very nice pink Miss America cereal bowl made Hocking Glass Company from 1935-1938\i . This is a very popular and beautiful pattern The bowl will come to you in very good condition, the only problem that I find is that it has a flake on one of its points. It measures approx. 6\'bc" across x 1\'bc" high.\i0\par \cf0\b0\f1\par \f0\fs20 \f1\fs24 Up for auction is this 'small' 3.5" tall Inarco Head Vase with the original sticker and number on the bottom. She's in excellent condition. A great piece for any collection. Thanks for looking. Happy Bidding! \par \f0\fs20\par \pard Persian Medallion Colonial Green Fairy Lamp\par \pard\sb100\sa100\f5 Up for your consideration is a 3 piece Fenton Coloinal Green Persian Medallion Fairy Light. It has its original paper Fenton sticker on the shade. The middle glass piece and the bottom piece are both marked Fenton in the glass. It measures approx 6 \'be inches tall and will come to you in EXCELLENT condition with no chips, cracks or repairs.\par \pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b\f1\fs28 FENTON HP MOTHER OF PEARL ALLEY CAT\par \fs24 SPECIAL ORDER LIMITED TO 125 PIECES NEW IN BOX WITH LIMITED EDITION CARD\par \pard\sb100\sa100\b0\fs28 Here's a fabulous pearlized opal alley cat made by the Fenton Art Glass Company in 2008. It was a special order and only 125 were made. It stands 11" tall and is hand painted with delicate Pink Poppy Floral Flowers. It is in perfect condition and signed by Fenton artist D. (Diane) Barbour. It has the Fenton in-mold logo and silver sticker and is a first quality piece. It comes to you new in the original box with the limited edition card.\par Book Price: $125.00\fs24\par \pard\b\f5\fs20\par \b0\f0 ~~~Insurance is optional.~~~ Please o-mail me for shipping charges on multiple orders. \par \par \cf5\b\fs28 Online Auction Shipping\cf0\b0\fs20\par \pard\sb100\sa100 \b\f1\fs24 Item to be paid for within 7 days. $1.70 Insurance is optional. You can email me your zip for shipping charges on multiple orders. I combine purchases. \b0\par \pard\f0\fs20 \par \par \par \cf5\b\fs32 UPS \cf0\b0\fs20 Shipped UPS Ground. Insurance and tracking number is included. Item to be paid within 7 days of purchase. I combine multiple UPS orders. Please send me your zip on multiple orders for shipping quote.\par \par My For Sale At Webstore\par \cf5\b\fs32\par \pard\sb100\sa100\cf0\f1\fs24 http://judyscloset.mybisi.com/\par http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/glasslass\par http://www.onlineauction.com/store/glasslass\b0 \par \pard\f0\fs20\par \pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 Up for your consideration is a gorgeous 8" No.5956 (P2) Fenton Art Glass Periwinkle Blue Plume Vase. Periwinkle Blue is a vivid opaque blue that was 1st developed by Paul Rosenthal during the 1930s. No two pieces will be exactly alike. This is a Limited Edition inscribed with signature of Shelly Fenton. It comes to you brand new in its original Silver & Black collectors box with certificate with limited sales through May 15, 2004. It is in mint first quality condition. Great for gift giving or add to your Fenton collection. \par


ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: I will accept Personal Checks. Payment to be made within 7 calendar days of order invoice. I accept personal checks, item is held 10 days for check to clear. PayPal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover) or E-checks (takes 3-4 days to clear), Money Orders in US dollars are shipped within 2 working days.


INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sites with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States.


RETURN POLICY: I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit with my sticker in place. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable.


SHIPPING: Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed on multiple orders. Buyer to pay for shipping charges unless other arrangements are made.!!! Please allow 7-14 days for delivery on UPS shipments. Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping.  Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Extreme care goes into packing your items. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase!

\par \par \cf4\b\fs28 RETURN POLICY:\b0 I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit with my sticker in place. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable. \par \pard\sb100\sa100\qc\b\f6\fs44 Payment\b0\f1\fs28\par \pard\sb100\sa100\b I will accept Personal Checks. Payment to be made within 7 calendar days of order invoice. I accept personal checks, item is held 10 days for check to clear. PayPal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover) or E-checks (takes 3-4 days to clear), Money Orders in US dollars are shipped within 2 working days. \par \pard\sb100\sa100\qc\f6\fs40 Shipping\f1\fs28\par \pard\sb100\sa100 Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed on multiple orders. Buyer to pay for shipping charges unless other arrangements are made.!!! Please allow 7-14 days for delivery on UPS shipments. Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Extreme care goes into packing your items. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered.\b0 \line\line\b On all UPS orders insurance is included up to $100.00. On all USPS orders insurance is optional. You can ask for a quote for insurance rate if you want it.\b0 \par \par \line\cf0\fs24\par \par \b\f5 $7.50 Payment to be made with 7 days from purchase. Shipped UPS ground, insurance is included. I combine multiple UPS orders. Please send me your zip on multiple orders for shipping quote.\par \f1\fs28 Item shipped parcel post (Approx. $6.85 w/ tracking number) or priority mail. Insurance is optional. Please email me your zip for exact shipping charges.\par Item shipped priority mail (Approx. $4.75 w/ tracking number) or parcel post. Insurance is optional. Please email me your zip for exact shipping charges.\par If it was easy every body and their mama could do it. Judge Hatchett\par \f5\fs22\par Item to be paid within 7 days of auction end. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, a reminder will be sent. Item to be paid within 7 days of auction end. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, a reminder will be sent. $7.50 Shipped UPS ground, insurance is included. I combine multiple UPS orders. Please email me your zip for shipping quote. \par Item to be paid within 7 days of auction end. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, a reminder will be sent. \f1\fs24 Item to be paid within 7 days of auction end. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, a reminder will be sent. \f5\fs22 $6.85 shipped USPS Parcel Post. I do also ship priority and Insurance is optional!! Please email your zip for Priority shipping charges.\par \f1\fs24 \f5\fs22\par Item to be paid within 7 days of auction end. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, a reminder will be sent. \f1\fs24 Item to be paid within 7 days of auction end. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, a reminder will be sent. Item shipped priority mail(Approx. $4.75 w/ tracking number) or priority mail (email me for exact shipping charges). Insurance is optional. \f5\fs22\par Google Checkout\par
\par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par
\par \par Item to be paid within 7 days of auction end. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, a reminder will be sent. \par $7.50 Shipped UPS ground, insurance is included. I combine multiple orders. Please send me your zip on multiple orders for exact shipping quote. \par \par \b0\f1\fs24\par Up for your consideration is a nice Honey Amber glass flask embossed with a picture of Marie Josef Lafayette. It measures approx 8\'bd" high x 3" wide at its widest point. These are great to put silk flower arrangements in and display in your home or office. It is not marked except for the embossed letters. It is in good condition with no cracks or chips. It does have a few flaws of bubbles in the glass. The glass is reasonably clear and not clouded ane has a flat and flared mouth which more than likely was sealed with a cork.. Marie Joseph la Fayette was a French military officer and aristocrat who participated in the American revolution as a general and served in the Estates General and the subsequent National Constituent Assembly in the early phases of the French revolution. \par Indiana Glass pattern number 165, known as the Peerless Colonial pattern. Indiana Glass introduced this pattern in the 1920's. It was offered in crystal and marigold iridescent glass. This was advertised in Butler Brother's 1927 wholesale catalog.\par . \par \pard\f0\fs20\par \b http://us.ebid.net/stores/Judys-Closet\b0\par \pard\sb100\sa100\b\f1\fs24 http://www.ioffer.com/shops/glasslass\line http://glasslass.blujay.com/\line http://www.epier.com/auctions.asp?glasslass\line Great Prices and Quality Gifts\line{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "mailto:glasslass@frontiernet.net"}}{\fldrslt{\cf2\ul glasslass@frontiernet.net}}}\cf0\ulnone\f1\fs24\par \pard\b0\f0\fs20\par \par \b\f7\fs22 OLD RATES\par \par \tab\tab Priority\tab Parcel\par Under 1 lb\tab $4.60\tab\tab\tab $4.13\par \par 1lb\tab\tab $7.50\tab\tab\tab $6.23\par \par 2lbs\tab\tab $10.55\tab\tab $8.11\par \par 3lbs\tab\tab $13.45\tab\tab $9.43\par \par 4lbs\tab\tab $15.85\tab\tab $10.68\par \par 5lbs\tab\tab $16.05\tab\tab $11.95\par \par 6lbs\tab\tab $18.30\tab\tab $13.06\par \par NEW RATES\par \par Insurance\par $1 to $50 = $1.70\par $50.01 to $100.00 = $2.60\par $100.01 to $200.00 = $3.00\par $200.01 to $300.00 = $4.60\par $300.01 to $5,000.00 =$4.60 plus $.90 for each $100 or fraction there of over $300.00\par \par \tab\tab Priority\tab Parcel\par Under 1 lb\tab\cf4 $4.75\tab\tab\tab $4.55\cf0\par \par 1lb\tab\tab\cf4 $8.25\tab\tab\tab $6.85 w/DC\cf0\par \par 2lbs\tab\cf4\tab $12.50\tab\tab $8.65 w/DC\cf0\par \par 3lbs\tab\tab\cf4 $13.93\tab\tab $9.56 w/DC\par \cf0\par 4lbs\tab\cf4\tab $16.80\tab\tab $10.76w/DC\cf0\par \par 5lbs\tab\tab\cf4 $16.05\tab\tab $12.13 w/DC\par \cf0\par 6lbs\tab\tab $18.30\tab\tab $13.06\par \b0\f0\fs20\par \par \par Item shipped priority mail. Insurance Optional. Please email me your zip on multiple orders.\par \par \par \par This does not represent any particular Indian Nation. It comes to you brand new and was made in China.\par \par This item is not Indian produced, an Indian product or the product of a particular Indian or Indian tribe or Indian arts and crafts organization.\par \par \pard\sb100\sa100\b\f8 This was manufactured from 1966-1970. It comes to you in excellent condition with no cracks, chips or repairs.\f7\fs24\par \pard\b0\f0\fs20\par \pard\sb100\sa100\b\f5 Up for your consideration is a beautiful Paragon Tea Cup and Saucer in the Chatelain pattern, featuring pink roses and blue flowers with a lovely scrolling leaf design. Authentication Mark on the back of both pieces, By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen, China Potters Paragon, Fine Bone China, England Reg'd, Chatelaine. \f1\fs24 Paragon fine bone china is highly collectible. \f5\fs20 Very nice sculptured shape with graceful handle, footed cup and gold trim. Measuring: cup 3" high, saucer 5\'bd " in diameter. Unused, MINT Condition, no chips, cracks, stains, gold wear or scratches of any kind. Perfect to give as a gift or add to your collection.\par News-Antique.com AD \par Come on in and take a look at Judy's Closet Spring March Madness sale. I have many items on sale for your shopping pleasure, such as Depression Glass (Anchor Hocking Glass, Jeannette Glass, MacBeth-Evans Glass Company, Hazel Atlas Glass, Indiana Glass, L.E. Smith), Elegant Glass (Imperial Glass, Cambridge, Westmoreland) Fenton, Avon Glass, Porcelain, Pottery, Collector Plates, Vintage Dinnerware, Contemporary Glass, 50s, 60s and 70s glass. If you are looking for a brand new gift idea I have lots of them too. I ship directly to the person you would like to receive your gift. Just think not having to go to the post office and stand in line, or drive around and waiting expensive gas or having a item come directly to you for your convenience at your home. If you see something that is not on sale you can make me a reasonable offer. All reasonable offers are considered. I have Great Prices and Quality Gifts. I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable. I only ship inside the US, Alaska or Hawaii. \f1\fs24\par \b0 When you have the back stamp with 'two' lions, it's called Double Paragon which is their higher quality/price line. That particular back stamp was first used in 1911. Paragon did not register pattern names, just numbers. The English Registry or RD number is much like our patent numbers and it usually registers the shapes to a particular company. \par \pard\f0\fs20\par \par PayPal, Money Orders, Personal Checks (Item Held 10 Days)\par \par \f1\fs24\par \par \par \par \par $7.50 to ship USPS Priority Mail Unless Other Shipping Is Requested\par \par \par $7.50 to ship UPS Ground\f0\fs20\par \par \b\fs24

\b0\f1 \b\f0 \f9 ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: I will accept Personal Checks. Item is held 10 days for check to clear, Paypal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover), Money Orders in US dollars are shipped within 2 working days.\f0


\tab\par INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sites with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States except Alaska and Hawaii.\par

\par RETURN POLICY: \f10\fs28 I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit with my sticker in place. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable.\par \f0\fs24\par

\par \pard\sb100\sa100 SHIPPING: \b0\f10\fs28 Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed on multiple orders. <\b\f0\fs24 /SPAN> Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. I highly recommend insuring glass, porcelain, pottery and any expensive items against breakage and/or loss. Not responsible for uninsured items. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. UPS Shipping usually $7.50 on most items. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase.\fs28\par \pard\b0\fs20\par \cf4\b\fs24 Insurance is optional. You can o-mail me for shipping charges on combined orders\par \cf0\b0\fs20\par \par Payment must be received by these dates to assure delivery by Christmas.(9:00 AM PST) UPS GROUND.

\par \par \par I COMBINE SHIPPING ON MULTIPLE ORDERS~Shipped UPS Ground.\par \par \par I COMBINE SHIPPING ON MULTIPLE ORDERS~Shipped USPS Parcel Post to save on shipping costs unless other shipping is requested.\par \par Shipped Priority Mail Unless Other Shipping Is Requested.\par \pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 1104783\par \pard\f0\fs20\par \pard\tx7560\b\f11\fs48 CERTIFICATE\par \pard\sb100\sa100\cf4\f1\fs28 ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: I will accept Personal Checks. Payment to be made within 7 calendar days of order invoice. I accept personal checks, item is held 10 days for check to clear. PayPal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover) or E-checks (takes 3-4 days to clear), Money Orders in US dollars are shipped within 3 working days.\cf0\b0\fs24\par \cf3\b\fs28 INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING:\cf4 Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sites with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States. \cf0\b0\fs24\par \cf4\b\fs28 RETURN POLICY: I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit with my sticker in place. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable. \cf0\b0\fs24\par \cf4\b\fs28 SHIPPING: Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed on multiple orders. Buyer to pay for shipping charges unless other arrangements are made.!!! Please allow 7-14 days for delivery on UPS shipments. Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Extreme care goes into packing your items. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase! \cf0\b0\fs24\par \pard\b\f10\fs28\par \pard\sb100\sa100\cf3\b0\f1\fs24 Up for your consideration is one of the most valuable reference works for collectors and students of all types of glass. Each issue contained highly informative articles written by the foremost collectors and authors in their fields. This is Volume V ~ Number 2 Issued August/September 1991\cf0\par \cf3 Index:\cf0\par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\tx720\cf3\b Is It Lalique?\b0 by D. Thomas O\rquote Connor\cf0 \par \cf3\b Crystal English Hobnail \b0 by Tavie Gunneson\cf0 \par \cf3\b International Carnvial \b0 by G. and S. Thistlewood\cf0 \par \cf3\b Lenora Glassworks\b0 by Vladimir and Virginia Weiss\cf0 \par \cf3\b Greentown\rquote s Glory \'85Preserved\b0 by Grace Carolyn Dahlberg\cf0 \par \cf3\b Patriotic Glass\b0 by Betty Newbound\cf0 \par \cf3\b German Flea Markets\b0 by Sibylle Jargstorf\cf0 \par \cf3\b C\rquote est Bon The Glass of \ldblquote P.V. France\rdblquote\b0 by Frank Chiarenza\cf0 \par \cf3\b Favorite Pieces from the Rockwell Museum, Corning, New York\cf0\b0 \par \cf3\b Encore Glass \rdblquote\b0 by Robert Truitt\cf0\par \pard\sb100\sa100\qc\cf4\b All issues are in good like new, used, readable condition. All issues are intact, with no odors.\cf0\b0\par \pard\b\f10\fs28\par \b0\f0\fs20\par \pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 Her family cherishes her memory and will miss her dearly.\par \pard Rest in peace sweet little angel in the arms of Jesus. Always loved and never forgotten.\par \par \f0\fs20 She will greatly be missed by all those who knew her.\par \par He will dearly be missed by all those who knew him.\par \par \par \par

HARDY, Debra Louise (WHITE)

\par \par \par

Feb 21, 1956

\par \par \par

Elko, NV

\par \par \par

Mar 04, 1999

\par \par \par \par \par


\par \par \par Thank you for your purchase, I will be adding a lot of new items in the near future. This will be shipped UPS Ground, so I will need your physical shipping address since UPS does not deliver to mail boxes. I hope that this is not a inconvenience.\par \par \par Snow Buddies\par Direct from Snowville, a quiet valley sheltered from the sun, the Snow Buddies live and flourish, spreading their message of friendship, kindness and Christmas joy. Each Snow Buddy is done in the signature blue and white colors, and wears a traditional \ldblquote knitted\rdblquote cap and mittens. Adorable and collectible. Snow Buddies will warm you heart on even the coldest winter day!\par \par SNOW CUTIES\par Adorable and collectible, Snowberry Cuties reflect the world around us with these precious ornaments that celebrate honored professions and special events. Snowberry Cuties are the perfect way to add a whimsical touch to your tree and make an ideal gift!\par \par \par Mailing Packages\par I will get your package mailed out on 11/15. When package is shipped, I will also send you a USPS Tracking number for your convenience.\par \par Stamp Confirmation\par Please confirm message by e-mail and let me know what type of payment will be sent. \par \par Please make payable to **** JUDY LUJAN *******. Mailing address is 1289 Parkview Dr, Elko, NV 89801 I accept Personal Checks (order held 10 days for check to clear), money order (mailed with 48 hours after payment is received) or cash. If paying with cash please change in a small envelope inside the mailing envelope. \tab\par Thank you for your business and I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase!\par \par \b\fs28 Christina Braithwaite\par 1205 South Meadows Pkwy\par Apt. J2066\par Reno, NV 89521-3926\par \b0\fs20\par \par \par Lloyd Geer \par 804 S Blaine St \par Lowry City, MO 64763\par \par \cf1\b Mailing Instructions\cf0\b0\par Please pack with Styrofoam peanuts on the bottom, wrap item with bubble wrap and place in middle of box, then secure with wadded up newspaper around the item so it fits secure around the item and I will be sure to leave you a very nice feedback. I hate to see these old pieces get broken.Thanks Judy Lujan\par \par I will get your package mailed out tomorrow since I now mail on Tuesdays and Fridays since gas has gone out of sight.\par \par Your order has been processed and should be shipped from our warehouse in 1-2 business days. We will send you an email confirmation when it's on its way!\par \par \cf1\b PAYPAL PAYMENT REQUEST\cf0\b0\par I am sending you this payment request from PayPal for your convenience regarding the order that you place through my store, Judy's Closet, on Tias.com. Payment is to be made within 7 days of the order being placed. It is a pleasure to do business with you. Judy Lujan\par \par \par I am sending you a payment request from PayPal for your convenience. Thank you for your business. I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase.\par \par \par Fenton Heart and Vine Amethyst Bowl\par Up for your consideration Vintage Carnival glass bowl by Fenton in the Heart and Vine pattern. The Amethyst color is just stunning with a scarce Candy Ribbon Edge. The bowl will come to you in excellent condition with no chips, nicks, repairs or cracks. The detailed on this mould strong with the satin carnival finish which displays beautiful coloring of blues, purples, gold and rust with this hard to find edge treatment. What a wonderful piece to add to your Carnival collection. 145.00\par Blue Willow Stack Mug\par Up for your consideration is a very nice Blue Willow Stack Mug marked USA on the bottom. Probably made by Jeannette/Royal China Company. It measures 2\'be\rdblquote high and will hold 7ozs. It is in excellent condition with NO crack, chips or repairs. It has have a smudge on the handle from when it was made. This had been glazed over.\par \par \par \par Glass Collector\rquote s Digest Vol XIV #2\par \par Up for your consideration is one of the most valuable reference works for collectors and students of all types of glass.\~ Each issue contained highly informative articles written by the foremost collectors and authors in their fields. This is Volume XIII~ Number 6 ~ Issue April/May 2000\par Index:\par 1.\tab Reader Response \par 2.\tab Studio Rynkiewicz by D. Thomas O,Connor\par 3.\tab Brookside Antiques \ldblquote Art Glass Gallery\rdblquote\par 4.\tab The Kokomo-Jenkins Glass Company by Marg Iwen\par 5.\tab The Bear Pomade Jar\'85Sandwich or ? by Albert Christian Revi\par 6.\tab Paden City~Hidden Lines and Rare Pieces by Pat Stillwagner\par 7.\tab Glass ~ The May Ways It\rquote s Decorated, Part 1- by Helen and Robert Jones\par 8.\tab The Burmese Cruet~Victorian Art Glass\par 9.\tab Neo-Whatsis Glass by Judith Van Buskirk Gugudan\par 10.\tab Favorite Pieces~A Paperweight Full of Riddles- by Carol Baldwin\par 11.\tab Denali Crystal~Making Sense Out of Abstract Art- by Lawrence H. Selman \par 12.\tab What is it?\par All issues are in good like new, used, readable condition.\~All issues are intact, with no odors.\par Lime Green Butterfly BonBon\par Up for your consideration is a gorgeous lime green satin finish bon bon dish with two handles. This piece was made by Fenton and is signed in an oval on the bottom. This piece is in excellent condition with NO cracks, chips or repairs. It was made by Fenton from 1973 to 1980 and now is retired. It's measures approx 5\'bd\rdblquote across from rim to rim x 2\'bc" high with scalloped edges. It features embossed butterflies all around the inside with one in the very middle bottom.\par \par \par Rosalene Doll\par Shown is a\~beautiful Rosalene doll (5228NX) made only in 3/3/1999. Lovely decorations of purple violets and not only is there gold in the glass (to give it the pink tones) she is accented with gold on the flowers she carries, her waist bow, her neckline, and a necklace around her neck. She has a Fenton silver label and is numbered 1481. \par \par Blueberry Swirl Cat Slipper\par Highly collectible Boyd\rquote s Crystal Art Glass, here we present for your collecting pleasure a darling little Cat Slipper. It measures 6 \ldblquote long x 3\rdblquote high. It will come to you in excellent condition with no cracks, chips or repairs. The color #201 called Blueberry Swirl and was produced 4/13/2005. It has the 6th Boyd\rquote s mark (2003-until Present). Each time Boyds makes a new color, they only choose a few moulds to run in that color. What a lovely limited edition piece to start you little Miss in the adventure of collecting.\~\par \par \par Up for your consideration, done by skilled Fenton masters, is a gorgeous handcrafted Lily of the Valley Oval Topaz Opal Basket No.8437 (T3) with a lovely Cobalt Blue handle. Fluoresces very nicely under a black light. Fenton Art Glass especially made this limited edition basket for Rosso\rquote s in 1997. Total height is ~7\'bd\rdblquote (4\rdblquote basket, 3.\'bd\rdblquote handle). It is ~5\'be\rdblquote long and ~3\'be\rdblquote wide. It has Fenton Logo on the bottom and comes to you in excellent condition.\~ A fabulous find for your Vaseline or Fenton Basket collection. $90.00\par Have a great day and thank you for your offer. I think that you will be very pleased with your purchase. I accept personal checks (Item held 10 days for check to clear), money orders and PayPal.\par \par We will send you a "Winning Bidder Notification" at end of auction to the email address on file with eBay. We expect to hear from you within three (3) days of that notification with name and mailing address. If no response after 3 days, I reserve the right to withdraw the item from the bidder and post appropriate feedback. \par We expect payment within ten (10) days of auction closing. We understand that there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that occur which might prevent you from making timely payment. TALK TO US! We're very easy to work with. It's lack of communication that really gets my dander up! Again, appropriate feedback will be posted to bidder's account. \par We accept money orders or cashiers checks, credit card payments through Paypal, or you can fax your info & we will process on our own terminal without third party intervention. Personal checks (same as cash if your feedback is 50 or better with no negatives) will be accepted but item will be held until bank clearance can be verified, usually 5-10 days. \par If we have indicated in our auction that we will ship internationally, please be aware that international bidders must pay in US currency through Paypal.\par OVERSEAS Confirmation Form\par I will accept a money order in US Dollars only (package mailed with 48 hours), please make payable to JUDY LUJAN. Mailing address is 1289 Parkview Dr, Elko, NV 89801 USA. I also accept PayPal if you would like to pay with your credit card. PayPal user ID is: glasslass@elko-nv.com.\par Thank you for your business and I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase! \par \par Return Policy\par OUR RETURN POLICY: We're certain you'll be happy with your merchandise. We take extra care to fully describe our items, including any flaws. If you have any questions about the item(s) you are ordering, please use our question form to ask us about the item before placing your order.\par If that rare occasion arises where you feel you must return an item, please contact us for return instructions within three (3) days (by phone or email) of receipt of your item(s). Upon our receipt and inspection of the returned item(s), we will issue a refund for your item(s) if returned in the same condition as it was when it was sent to you excluding any shipping/insurance costs for which you were responsible. Buyer is responsible for return shipping/insurance costs, which will not be reimbursed for any reason. Returned merchandise must be received by us within seven (7) days of the date from which you contact us regarding the return. \par \par \par \par I accept PayPal, Money Order or Personal Check (item held 10 days for check to clear)\par \par DEADBEATS\par This so called buyer now has 34 negatives against them. Yahoo I think it is time for you to kick them off Yahoo Permanently!!!! Wake up this type of person gives Yahoo a black eye. What seller wants to waste their time with this kind of DEADBEAT!!!!\par \par Have not heard from this buyer after sending many emails and no payment has been received.\par \par \par HTML Ad\par

Plush Christmas hanging calendar with Santa, reindeer, and snowman. \par Polyester. 16 \'bd\rdblquote x 22\rdblquote high. \par
Item: 34672


I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, Paypal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover), Money Orders in US dollars. Payment to be made within 10 days of auction end unless otherwise arranged. Buyer to pay shipping.

\par INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sights with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States.

\par RETURN POLICY: I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, simply return the item for exchange, refund or full credit. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable.

\par SHIPPING: Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed. Buyer to pay for shipping charges unless other arrangements are made.!!! Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. I highly recommend insuring glass, porcelain, pottery and any expensive items against breakage and/or loss. Not responsible for uninsured items. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. UPS Shipping usually $6.50 on most items. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase.\par \par \par MY BANNER\par

\par \par FEEDBACK Site\par \par \par \par


\par \par \par \par
Solution Graphics
\par \par Shipped USPS parcel post w/insurance unless other arrangements are requested!!\par \par 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed-7 day return. Buyer must contact me by e-mail within 3 days of receiving item!!

DISCOUNT Combined order totaling more than $75.00 will automatically qualify for a 25% SHIPPING discount!\~

\par SPORTS CARDS\par 1992 Donruss Edwin Nunez Brewers Card Number 541\par Up for your consideration is a #541 baseball trading card for Edwin Nunez-Brewers Pitcher. It comes to you in very good condition with no tears, corner is slightly turned up. Color is good. Donruss Series 1992. Card will be sent a cardboard sleeve so it won\rquote t bend. Please pay went invoice is sent. Fill up those empty holes in your collection.\par \par I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, PayPal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover), Money Orders in US dollars or Cash . Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Insurance is Optional. I am not responsible for items once they are in the hands of the post office. Overseas shipping to be determined.\par \par ROSSO & SMC UPS SHIPPING ITEM\par This is to let you know that your payment has been received and your items will be shipped within 2-3 business days. As soon as UPS tracking is available, I will send the tracking number. Again thank you for your business. I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase.\par Thanks for taking care of payment so quickly. Your item/s shipped\par 00/00 priority mail. I also purchased a Delivery\par Confirmation, the # is 0304 7990 0004 8504 0000. We are pleased that\par you chose to bid on our auction and do not consider the auction\par complete until you have received your item and are satisfied. \par Feedback will be posted for you at that time.\par \par \cf6\b STAMP ORDER POLICY\cf0\b0 \par Up for your consideration are 3 very good new and cancelled stamps from Angola, never hinged. Sott #s 363, 386 & 542. All have excellent Color. There are no thins or tears. I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, Money Orders in US dollars or US Cash. If cash is sent please enclose in a small envelope within the mailing envelope. Change slips out of envelopes. Most orders will be mail right away unless paid with check. Overseas shipping to be determined. Comes from a smoke free home.\par

\par Condition: Used~Excellent
\par Color: Multi
\par Country of Origin: Albania
\par \par \par \par 1. Scott #175 A16 Male Lyrebird 15 x 14 Issued 1941 \par 2. Scott #334 A117 Approach of the Magi Perf 15 x 14\'bd Issued Nov 4,1959 \par 3. Scott #466 A185 Nativity Perf 13\'bd x 13 Issued Oct 15, 1969 \par 4. Scott #562 A223 Star Sapphire 13 x 13\'bd Issued 1974 \par 5. Scott #788 A304 Tasmanian Perf 13 x 13\'bd Issued 1981\par 6. Scott #889 A335 Cook's Cottage Perf 13\'bd x 14 Issued Jan 26, 1984\par 5. \par \pard\sb100\sa100 5. Scott #? Multi \f9 Great Britain Tin Mine, St. Agnes, Cornwall Issued 1989 \f1\fs24\par \pard\f0\fs20 6. Scott #143 A66 Yel Grn King Edward VII Perf 14\'bd x 14 Issued Nov 25, 1968 \par 7. Scott #499 A197 Brt Red Queen Elizabeth Perf 15 x 14 Issued 1969 \par 8. Scott #359 A128 Ulta Queen Elizabeth Perf 14 x 14\'bd Issued 1967 \par \par ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: \par These stamps are from approvals I have received since 1974. I have removed the ones I needed and the rest you will see up for offer. There are some very nice stamps in these selections. I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, Money Orders in US dollars or US Cash. If cash is sent please enclose in a small envelope within the mailing envelope. Change does slip out of envelopes. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Overseas shipping to be determined. Comes from a smoke free home.\par \par Liberia Lot of Four JL1030\par Up for your consideration is a lot of four Liberia stamps. They come to you with excellent color ~ No tears. \par 1.\tab Scott #512 Statue of rain god Tlaloc Cancelled Issued Jun 10, 1970\par 2.\tab Scott #514 Sombero and soccer ball Cancelled Issued Jun10, 1970\par 3.\tab Scott #C89 Airmail Swimming Uncancelled Issued Jan 26, 1955\par 4.\tab Scott #C90 Airmail Running Uncancelled Issued Jan 26, 1955\par \par ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: \par These stamps are from approvals I have received since 1974. I have removed the ones I needed and the rest you will see up for offer. There are some very nice stamps in these selections. I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, Money Orders in US dollars or US Cash. If cash is sent please enclose in a small envelope within the mailing envelope. Change does slip out of envelopes. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Overseas shipping to be determined.\par \par \par \par \par ABBREVIATIONS\par \par MHH=mint heavy hinge MNH=mint never hinge MLH=mint light hinge MHR=mint hinge remainder MMH=mint medium hinge NG=no gum PG=partial gum\par \par \par \par \par
\par \par

US Labor Day

Item: JL1018
Scott Catalog #: 1082
Year Issued: Sep 3, 1956
Denomination: 3 Cents

Used Cancelled without gum, very good condition~no tears\par \par \par \par
\par \par
\par \par \par \par It's an unnamed item by Jeannette, came in two sizes. The pattern is\par similar to an old EAPG pattern named Broken Logs. The inside bottom of the\par bowl has the same flower pattern as Jeannette's Floragold line. This is a Jeanette\par version of an old EAPG pattern. The original pattern was named Ethol and it\par was first produced by Bryce, Higbee & Co. The key to telling the originals\par from the new pieces are that the originals only had logs in the vertical\par position on the compote. Any piece with horizontal logs is a remake. This\par info is found in Jenks, Luna & Reilly's "Identifying Pattern Glass\par Reproductions."\par \par \par This gorgeous little No.7156 Peach Crest Beaded Melon Vase was made in 1950-54. It is in MINT condition with no chips, cracks or repairs and measuring 6" tall at its highest point. It is shown in Fenton\rquote s The Second 25 Years on page 115 in their 1950 Catalog. Isn\rquote t this a lovely piece to add to your collection. You will not be disappointed. Item number: 3277 \par Up for your consideration is a beautiful No.7300 Custard Glass Fairy Light called Christmas Morn. It is in excellent condition with no chips or cracks and has lovely detail with lost of glass frit. Fenton Glass made this lovely little Fairy Light in 1978. It measures approx. 4\'be\rdblquote high x 3 1/8\rdblquote wide and is artist signed. What a fabulous addition this will make to your Fairy Light Collection.\par Indiana Glass Heirloom Amberina Glass Basket \par Up for auction is a super piece in the Heirloom Series by the Indiana glass Co. This is a tall basket standing 9 1/2" and is 7" wide. Base color is red with super iridescence. It looks like a rainbow melted on it. The basket a small chip on the base, but is not really noticable.\par \par \par \par Highly collectible Boyd\rquote s Crystal Art Glass #3 Little Luck the Unicorn \par Blue Orchid \par 2 \'bc inches tall \par Made 5-13-02 \par Excellent condition-No chips or cracks\par Second Series (marked with #2)\par \par \par Absolutely stunning #SS16 Crown Tuscan 6\rdblquote Footed Comport with the Gardenia Decoration. Abels, Wasserberg & Company purchased "blanks" from various glass factories, then decorated the pieces with designs of flowers, fruit, or landscapes. These designs were registered under the Charleton trademark. Although Abels, Wasserberg sold other lines as well, the many and varied designs under the Charleton name were their most successful products. This comport will come to you in mint condition with its Charleton Label still in place. What a exciting find for you and a piece that you will treasure always. \par TO LINK:\par href="http://www.geocities.com/glasslass_98/FLORA1.jpg"\par Canada\par I only accept PayPal if you would like to pay with your credit card. PayPal E-mail ID glasslass@elko-nv.com. Thank you for your business and I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase!\par You order will be shipped within 48 hours as soon as I get your PayPal payment confirmation. Again thank you for your business, it has been a pleasure. Judy Lujan\par Thank you for your prompt payment. We'll ship out your order within 1-2 business days. It has been a pleasure to do business with you. Hope to again soon. Smiles Judy\par DELINQUITE PAYMENT NOTICE\par We are interested in our customers and are always trying\par to find new ways to improve our service. For these reasons, we\par are inquiring if there is a reason for your delay in paying for the items that you ordered on ______. We would appreciate a word from you -- as well as your\par PayPal payment. These items are only held for 7 days. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Cordially, Judy Lujan\par Buyer has placed another order and never followed through.\par Good Morning, You placed an order for on . You indicated that you would be paying with PayPal. Can you please let me know when to expect payment. I only hold these items for 7 days unless other arrangements have been made. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Judy Lujan\par I am sending this to you for your convenience since you indicated that you would be paying with PayPal. Thank you for your business, I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase.\~\par \par FEEDBACK\par Fast Pay. Good Communication. Great Customer. The kind that any seller wants to have. It has been a pleasure.\par TIAS STUFF\par Reused Delete Item\par To reuse a deleted item number, please select the option on the left menu titled 'batch change by status' and choose 'deleted' as the status of the items that you wish to view.\~\~ This will show you a list of all your deleted item numbers and you can select (and change) those that you wish to reuse.\~ Note that the option to view items by status may take a while to execute if you have a lot of items on the database.\par \par OUT OF STOCK LETTER\par I have been notified by my distributor that this item is out of stock and on back order. I will notify you as soon as this item is back in stock. \par AD DISCRIPTIONS\par \par Alabastrite -which is combining oxylite and polystone to form a stone-based, polyresin material. This unique combination allows the sculpting mastery of the artisans to be captured in intricate detail in each handsomely finished product.\par \par \par KEYWORDS:\par collectibles, home decor, decorative, elegant, shabby elegance, glass, glassware, kitchen, furniture, dolls, miniatures, bed, bath, collector plates, clocks, pottery, porcelain, dinnerware, tableware, home, garden, outdoor, accents, dolls, childrens, dishes\par \par \par SHIPPING STUFF\par SHIPPING ORDER WITH PAYPAL\par You order will be shipped with in 2 business days when payment confirmation is received from PayPal. Thank you for your order. Judy\par Your order has been processed and should be shipped from our warehouse in 1-2 business days. Thank you for your business. It has been a pleasure.\par THINK ABOUT COMBINING AUCTIONS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING!!\par \par SHIPPING CHARGES AND RETURN POLOCY\par When auction is complete, I will contact you with shipping charges and insurance. Payment must reach me within 10 days from the time auction is won or item will be relisted. We accept Paypal, personal checks or money orders. Use the link on the auction to use paypal, or email us with any questions. Please allow personal checks to clear before shipping. All payments must be in US funds. Returned we must receive merchandise within 7 days from the date you received your purchase.\par Shipped USPS Parcel Post unless decided otherwise.\par When auction is complete I will contact you with insurance and shipping charges. I ship USPS w/Insurance or Parcel Post w/Insurance. \par If that rare occasion arises where you feel you must return an item, please contact us for return instructions within 3 days of receipt of your item. Buyer is responsible for return shipping/insurance costs, which will not be reimbursed for any reason. Returned merchandise must be received by us within 7 days of the date from which you contact us regarding the return.\par This delightful Thomas Kinkade basket has a lovely little snow sceen outside a cozy cottage. On both sides there is a sprig of pine with pine cones. Gold is in very good condition. The basket is in very good condition with a little wear by the handle. It measures 6\rdblquote across and is signed Thomas Kinkade. On the bottom it says Thomas Kinkade Village Christmas 2000 Thomas Kinkade, Media Arts Group, Inc , San Jose, CA\par DR. PHIL QUATOES\par When you choose the behavior you choose the consequences. \par It only takes a moment to make a mistake that will last a\par lifetime\par **********************************************************************************************************************************************\par \par \par \par \par \par \par }