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- 11/27/98 22:31:53
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/8575
My Email:NELinks

Cuzzie Maureen.... Duh... I forgot to sign the last time I stopped in. Great page!! Keep up the good work!

B. Richard Case - 11/24/98 22:44:39
My Email:brcase@aol.com

Hi, My cousin found this website and we both have considerable info on our Case family. BR

Ken Foster - 11/01/98 16:47:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9561
My Email:KenEmmFoster@compuserve.com

Great Page! You should consider joining the FosteRing-I know there are others in the ring which share your lineage. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9561/ring.html Good luck with your page! Ken Foster

- 10/12/98 02:15:14


Amy Grant - 10/10/98 19:33:34
My Email:Heaveneye@aol.com

Your page looks wonderful!! Now i need to get mine up and running!! Wonderful job! Your COusin, Amy

David LaMothe - 10/10/98 15:05:22
My URL:http://members.aol.com/stlouiemoe/index.htm
My Email:stlouiemoe@aol.com

Great site...you are the best honey. Love ya! your Hubby, Dave

Gordon Addison Case - 10/08/98 20:37:31
My Email:CASEDIRECT@aol.com

My family has traced our genealogy back to John Case, 1616, Aylsham, England. The other names involved from my grand parents are: Kenyon (English), Coleman (English), and Tice (German), K & C traced to 1600s. Tice tto the late 1700s. I now am trying to identify those before John and his brother(s) and/or sister(s) that settled in Virginia.

Sean Brownlee - 10/05/98 06:31:19

I think your site is great!!! keep up the hard work and remember to keep in touch. Sean

Peg Case Aldhizer - 10/05/98 02:18:17
My Email:Confedtrvl@aol.com

Looking for the Case familys!

Stephen Koehler - 10/04/98 16:53:27
My Email:Chmnmeow@aol.com

Lookin Good there. Love the plane!!!!

Bud Brewer - 10/04/98 15:48:41
My Email:fhbrewer@mail.4ez.com

I appreciate your sharing you family linage from Reginald Foster. I am 12th generation down from Reginald Foster. Bud Brewer

W.P.F. - 10/04/98 00:24:05
My Email:hawk44444@aol.com


10/02/98 22:18:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Kelly - 09/24/98 03:59:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9495/
My Email:kab@bellsouth.net

Hi Maureen!I just thought i'd drop by and say hello! (Hello) I see you are getting your web page together pretty nicely.I did get some extra information off your web page from our CASE line that i didn't have before.It sure would be nice if our ancestors eft us better clues on their history, i'm turning into a regular Charlie Chan.Kelly

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