About This Web Site

This is an interactive web site for Oromo communities, groups, and individuals seeking to connect with each other and with the world.



Oromos are the largest of Ethiopia’s over 80 ethnic groups. Numbering over 30 million, Oromos constitute more than half of the country's total population. Although they form a numerical majority in Ethiopia, they are relegated to a minority status in terms of political, cultural and economic power. Thus, many Oromos view Ethiopia as a prison of nations where the binding glue is force of arms, rather than a shared identity.  Many Oromos who left Ethiopia are spread throughout the world in pursuit of better life opportunities. Many have fled their homeland due to political persecution and come to the West as refugees. Many still languish in refugee camps in the neighboring countries. 

The Ethiopian government is now forcefully conscripting tens of thousands of Oromo farmers and youth and using them as cannon fodder in its war with Eritrea. Thousands of youth are fleeing Ethiopia to escape conscription. Western countries have now opened their doors to Oromo refugees. Currently, many Oromo families and individuals are being resettled in large cosmopolitan cities of the West.

Although Oromos come from closely knit kinship groups in a high context culture, in the Diaspora, they are far-flung individuals and thinly-spread scattered communities across the globe. In an attempt to reduce isolation and create affinity, they have formed loosely structured communities. Yet, many members of the same extended family live in the various cities of five different continents. Especially when they are refugees, they don't get to choose where they want to live. Rather, they are resettled in whichever country is willing to grant them asylum. Thus, a strong need is expressed among community members for a space to come together. 

Where their numbers are relatively substantial, Oromos have formed community groups, women's groups, youth groups, and cultural groups. They have also formed academic and professional organizations. They have list-serves facilitating cyberspace discussion. Yet, these are not adequately interactive as they exclude a great many number of diaspora Oromos. 

This web site is expected to meet these demands. It is designed to provide an interactive space. It is meant to enhance our face-to-face communities, not to replace them. For some far-flung Oromos, however, this web site may be their only connection with other Oromos. It is expected to be a space for negotiating difference as well as for reinventing and liberating ourselves. It is a space where Oromos of the Diaspora come together to share experiences and ideas, to support each other in difficulties, and to enjoy collective empowerment. 

To achieve these goals, however, your participation is essential. It is our collective effort that keeps the web site going. Please come forward and enjoy the beauty of collective effort to build an equitable participatory community.  If you would like to join the community network, to volunteer in any capacity, to ask questions, or to send your comment, Please contact me at: