Welcome!    Anaa Dhufu!
This is a page is for Oromo communities around the globe to come together and form a network to coordinate our activitiess, share resources and ideas. Especially now when our numbers in the diaspora is growing by each day, we need to put in place a network of support to meet the growing demands on our scattered communities. We believe this web-site is an ideal space to do this. 

We need volunteers to provide the much needed and long overdue services in our communities. 

We need Oromos who will serve as nuclei to provide access to Oromo refugees languishing in refugee camps. 

We need social workers, school teachers, counselors, community workers, students, tutors, support workers, healthcare professionals, interpreters, translators, etc. In short, we need all of you and whatever you can do to realize this interactive and supportive space. 

As you can see, this page is a mere scratch of the surface. It will not be realized without your participation. Let us make it a joint effort for collective empowerment. To sign up, please contact me at: 

