If you are submitting a dog on behalf of another individual or organization, please be sure to list their name and contact information, not your own. The contact information you submit should be for the person or organization in charge of placing the dog.
Please only submit dogs that you are reasonably sure ARE Catahoulas. Please be aware that many other breeds and mixes can superficially resemble Catahoulas. Not all dogs with spotted coats and/or blue eyes are Catahoulas!
ALL listings submitted for unregistered dogs MUST include a photograph for breed identification purposes! Submitted photos should show the dog clearly and be cropped to eliminate unnecessary background.
These listings are for rescue dogs only - no "puppies/breeding stock for sale" ads will be accepted.
Once the dog is adopted, please let us know so that the rescue listing may be removed.
If your listing does not appear on our Available Dogs page within a few days of submission, it means that you have either not followed the above guidelines or the dog was determined to be of questionable ancestry.
REMINDER: If this dog is not a registered purebred, you MUST include a photograph for breed identification purposes (please refer to the submission guidelines above for instructions)! There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!