Mission Statment |
Notre Dame Parish is a faith filled community called to know,love, and serve God. We respond to our Baptismal call to follow Jesus Christ through celebrative prayer and worship, education and proclamation of the Good News, and service within and beyond our parish family.We are committed to recognize the giftedness of the people of God and to encourage their participation in sacramental worship, and to send them forth into the world and transform it into the Kingdom of God |
Mary: O Virgin Immaculate, Mother of God and my Mother | O My Most Sweet Mother, How Shall I Die? | We Fly to Thy Patronage | For the Beatification of Jacinta Marto | Immaculate Conception | Aspirations to Mary | Consecration to Mary | From a homily In Praise of the Virgin Mother by St. Bernard | From a Sermon by Blessed Isaac of Stella | Silence of Mary | Ancient Prayer to the Virgin | To Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven | Our Blessed Mother | Immaculate Heart of Mary | St. Louis De Montfort's Prayer to Mary | Hail, Holy Queen | Hail Mary | Memorare | Our Lady of The Sacred Heart | Saint John Damascene on Mary | Saint Gregory Nazianzen on Mary | Our Lord's Virgin and Mother | Greeting Mary | Annunciation, by John Donne | St. Ambrose (339-397), Commentary of Luke's Gospel |
to The Blessed Virgin Obligates of the Virgin Mary Catholic Links |
N.D. History | Committees | Bible-Notes I Weekley Bulliten |