Hopeline - For needs that arise for our parishioners,
for more Information call 342-7061 or 347-1712
Becoming Catholic-RCIA - A process of formation for adults, call the rectory or
religious education office for information 981-01179
Sacrament of Bapiism - The second Sunday of the month during the 12:00 noon
Mass,and the fourth Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm.
Pre-baptismal class is a pre-requisite. Call the Rectory
Sacrament of Matrimony - Contact either the Parish Priest or Deacon to make
arrangements at least six months before the wedding.
Please do this before making plans.
Visiting the Sick - Call Mrs. Pat Sobieski for home Communion calls.
962-1154. Priest make regular hospitol visits and emergency
calls anytime.
Rosary - Wednesday at 7:00pm Notre Dame Chapel
Monday Thru Friday 7:00 am
Prayer request line - Call 342-9162 or 342-3508
Membership expectations - All are welcome If you are new in the area or the Parish,
please contact the rectory office to register.