Q: Where can I learn sign language in Singapore? How much will it cost?
The Singapore Association for the Deaf
conducts regular basic sign language courses for the public. I believe it costs $50. Please
check with the Association for more
details. The Singapore YMCA also conducts sign language courses, but I don't know how much
it costs. Please call the YMCA for more information.
Q: Nothing happens when I click on the "See This Sign" button. What's wrong?
Our sincere apologies. It is a little tricky, but to put it briefly, our site
doesn't work on browsers that are not javascript-enabled. This problem is usually
confined to older browsers. Please take look at "Problems"
for a full explanation. Alternatively, click on the graphic for each category for
the complete listing of the signs, BUT beware of long loading time!
Q: When are you going to update your site??
Apologies all round. It has been long time coming, but guess what, it
may not come anytime soon. Much has happened since we first put this site
up. First of all, the bunch of us have all graduated from college *phew*.
And more importantly, real life [specifically, WORKING life] doesn't really
leave us as much spare time as before. I don't really want to take down
the site, but I don't quite know what else to do with it. So there, until
I make up my mind, this, I'm afraid, is it. I hope to add a BOOKS corner
to this place, and so if you really want to learn more about sign language,
check it out in about 2 weeks. Till next time...
over and out,
Sep 19, 1999
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