Welcome to my Guestbook!

Dorothea - 08/21/00 14:43:51
My URL:http://www.parkstile.co.uk
My Email:dorothea@parkstile.co.uk

Just dropped in following the hound webring... I really enjoyed visiting your site. I'll be back! regards Dorothea

Daddy - 08/18/00 14:21:48
My Email:lewis@iinet.net.au

I like your page very much ,it is a great place to while away a wet afternoon, keep up the good work.

Sue Pfuhl - 05/31/00 10:35:51
My Email:kriegmann@one.net.au

I love your web page Andrea! And none of my family care about dogs either. So I know how you feel.

Oskar - 05/26/00 10:53:16
My URL:http://www.oskas.lisp.com.au
My Email:oskas@lisp.com.au

Hi From Oskar & Bingo(5 year old Kelpie) Oskas Cottage Dod Friendly Bed & Brekfast in Glen Davis.

Lyn Stewart - 05/06/00 02:32:01

A lot of hard work gone into this webpage but unfortunately I can't get into Tristen's page (it has errors on it) Oh well I try again another time:(

Ruth Payne - 04/26/00 08:53:20
My Email:ruthpayne@iprimus.com.au

Great page, Andrea... I'm another that had my arm twisted by Mandy... am so glad she did!! I see that you had at least one judge on his knees. Good onya! It is so refreshing to see the lasting respect you have for the dogs you have handled & I applaud the way you have thanked them by putting them up on your page for all to appreciate. Good luck to you. Have fun with Treef. Give that little cutie, Tristan, a hug from MeRuth in Sydney!

Joan Van Doornick - 04/25/00 13:15:29
My URL:http://jayvana.tripod.com
My Email:jayvana@attcanada.net

Mandy Manley Smith suggested that I come and visit you! I am so glad that I did! Your Saluki is lovely and you are, too! The photos of her are wonderful! You have already had quite a career, dear girl, and so young! Your web page is lovely, and easy to navigate...full of interest. I am impressed. Please come and visit me when you have time!

Jan Buchanan - 04/25/00 12:46:11
My Email:jbuchanan@interhop.net

Great looking page, Andrea--keep up the good work!!!!

Marie Heath - 04/25/00 03:53:53
My URL:http://clekarn.8m.com
My Email:clekarn@one.net.au

Very nice site ! Congratulations !

Roger Shellard - 04/23/00 20:14:11
My URL:http://www.salukifirst.cwc.net
My Email:Seafleet@cwcom.net

Great site Thought you looked very Glam in the long black number. Teh pink background sets off the pictures a treat even if it goves me spots before the eyes!!! Roger

Kim Stewart - 04/23/00 15:16:13
My Email:ten8cious1@mailandnews.com

Nice job on your page! I enjoyed tooling around inside. I'll be back!

Vera Farr - 04/23/00 14:56:16
My Email:verafarr@hannaford.com.au

Great pages Andrea - loved those of all the dogs you have won with - especially the afghans and you own Pascal. Made me want an Afghan again! VERA

suzi - 04/23/00 04:04:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky2/mypgs1/enter.html
My Email:seer@duo-county.com

wonderful site andrea! ya done good girl!

Diane Tennyenhuis - 04/22/00 22:56:07
My URL:/herstellenerweims
My Email:herstellener@optusnet.com.au

Great page Andrea. Very impressive Child Handlers results. If ever you get up to Darwin...How are you at handling Weimaraners?..LOL Your little lad is gorgeous. Hope fully he inturn will represent WA in Child Handlers.

Ian Rasmussen - 04/22/00 20:36:59
My URL:http://www.powerup.com.au/~suthanlites
My Email:ahmadi@hypermax.net.au

I love the website. I love to see junior handlers having a good time as well as being successful in the ring

Patricia Smith - 04/22/00 15:14:36
My URL:http://www.peds.co.uk/ownpages/ormalu.htm
My Email:ormalu@dnet.aunz.com

Nice site Andrea. Love the angel cursor, I have a rose. makes it different doesn't it?? Patricia

Aunty M - 04/22/00 14:26:07
My URL:http://www.ozemail.com.au/~mandar
My Email:farousi@bigpond.com

Aunty M is very proud of you XOX

Aunty Sue - 04/15/00 03:26:59

I think you're so clever and beautiful!

ur my girl - 04/10/00 20:33:31
My Email:you boy

i love you

secet admirer - 04/10/00 20:25:06
My Email:urhot@sexy.com

You are one sexy bitch!

jules the boyfriend - 02/21/00 11:14:34


Tristan - 02/15/00 11:35:16
My Email:lewis@iinet.com.au

I Love your website mummy

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