The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 53 |
32 Satan threatened that you write about what you heard and that Satan and Demons are going to torture many in the future alive slowly by putting them into butcher grinding machines and meat and bone disposal when done with them then we are going to show the Earth Angels of Light some slow torture to death of some beautiful blonde and blue eyed human females tonight and review history and Satan and certain Demons had many Jewish raped and pillaged and tortured and killed slowly and many Christians in the Roman Coliseum were tortured and eaten alive by wild and hungry animals and tortured to death slowly and many were very young and very beautiful and that was and is something that Satan and certain Demons did and do; Ted was told by the Spiritual LightSide not to worry and those did and do and would do this without carrying out a to many threats and Ted thinks that this did happen and many times Satan and certain Demons move extremely fast and do many things to try to deter the Spiritual LightSide and Ted heard that if you write that down about raping and sodomizing and torturing and killing all females after done using them for cloning Satan and cloning certain Demons and also cloning Human Females in cloning factories then are to be raped and sodomized and tortured slowly after a time of rape and sodomy and pillage extreme and then tortured slowly to death and putting them in a vat of boiling oil is another method and can boil them to death and then eat them and that works also and can feed them to hungry wild animals and are many methods to torture slowly to death and satisfy our extremely perverse and sexual deviant and demeaning and sadistic and masochistic appetites. |
33 Ted is hearing that Satan is telling certain Demons to get enough genetic material from Pamela Lee Anderson that is a beautiful blonde and blue eyed DarkSide Human and Satan says much about her often and wants to get enough genetic material to make clones of her and heard that Satan did put together a list and is making a list of human females that are alive that Satan wants to abduct or get genetic material of for cloning them and those are going to try to get this and have many frozen samples and store them where very safe. 34 Ted asked about power levels of Satan and certain Demons and was told that a majority of the Demons are almost human and have very little power and are very physical and in the physical world and then their are the larger Demons that spend their time flat on their backs most of the time and most of their life and use their channeling abilities and vast number of channels to get and be in the physical world through the spiritual world and are fed and taken care of by very trusted and careful physical Demons and are not too happy and Satan is enormous compared to the largest Demons and has enormous power and number of channels and if Satan and the largest Demons clone then Mankind and Humans on Earth are in much trouble. |
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