The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 53, 54 |
35 The Demons with the most power and number of channels are the most trusted by Satan except for some that are not in favor with Satan currently and Satan has figured out what Demons that Satan wants to have cloned. 36 The Demons have no ability to refuse and this is mandated that if Satan tells them to be cloned then are cloned and this is only the physical brain and body and those cannot currently clone a Soul or the Character-Memories-More and is going to be a spawn of Satan or certain Demons that gestates for nine months similar to all mammals and is going to grow up and mature in about sixteen years and is going to be trained to be extremely evil and extremely loyal to Satan. 37 A vast majority of the Demons are similar to Humans and have few channels and channeling abilities and the large Demons are very few and Satan is extremely large in comparison and is going to clone also and many largest Demons are going to be cloned and this is planning to be in vast numbers. CHAPTER 54 1 Ted does not celebrate Halloween or anything Occult and does not dress for Halloween or pass out candy or trick or treat or decorate for Halloween for over 4 years now after this started and neither should any that are Jewish or God Following or Christians or anybody. |
2 Their are too many Jewish and God Followers and Christians that celebrate Halloween and forms of Occult and should not do this in any shape or form. 3 Ted had a rough day and rested most of the day and was on Halloween of 2000 and this was also a day of extreme unrest with Israel and Palestinians and three Israeli Soldiers were killed and their was Israeli retaliation with rockets from helicopters and then their was a Terrorist Attack on a large USA Navy Ship and the USA Stock Markets plummeted enormously. 4 Ted heard the accusations fly that now the USA is not going to pressure Israel that much for Peace and the Spiritual LightSide is trying to use that politically to get more USA and International support of Israel with their extremely insecure position in the Middle East and with them surrounded by Hostile to EXTREMELY HOSTILE humans that are mostly under the possession of Satan and Demons. |
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