The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 54 |
23 Told that similar to how Satan and Devil left Heaven and the Universe and were legally outside of the jurisdiction you had many more Angels stocking up Star Ships and fleets of Star Ships and many were very to enormously rich and had the money to do this and took Star Ships full of seeds and plants and fish and birds and animals and different types of people and human type people also and many different shapes and sizes and colors and species and many varied species and races and variations and went out and discovered other inhabitable grade or that could be and were fixed up living Worlds and Marbles and Planets and terra formed these and fixed them up and inhabited them and slowly made them better and better and argued legally that this was not remotely in the jurisdiction of Heaven or the Universe and were doing their own thing and all with few exceptions had no method for any to be uploaded or saved and then abilities to resurrect them and many cloned and were cloning and had or were making crude to more advanced creator systems and not nearly advanced or close to the designs of The Creator and were taking and making derivatives and doing some derivative work and reverse engineering similar to how you are starting to see this on Earth with genetic engineering and genetic research and development and ability to make clones and exact duplicates of life and TJCG who was laying flat on His back and concentrating asked if this was True and has a verbal confirmation and His head was shaken many times up and down that this was true. |
24 Their were many clones of God made before and during The Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations and were huge to enormous in power and control and went out Spiritually and did many Kills and Uploads and Drops and this was far out into the distant reaches of space and far out to any and all created life that was created and had Spiritual Network Addresses and could be found and obtained and reached spiritually and this was and is for the entire The Infinite Universe and is many Worlds and Marbles and Planets that were conquered and put under control and that currently have no ability to have people reproducing on these Planets and Marbles and Worlds and were shut down for reproduction with the kills and drops of all Boys and Guys and Men and told that if not getting Creator Systems on these Planets and Marbles and Worlds many alive may be left down on a drop or resurrected in the future for Punishment and their reply to this is that before this nobody was uploaded or their Souls taken and nobody was Saved and there fore this is much better than before for many. |
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