The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 54 

25 Many are told to look up into the night sky and the Spiritual LightSide in the remainder of The Infinite Universe are trying to figure out their location and are making or using primitive to more advanced telescopes and space equipment for figuring out exactly the location of where and how to navigate to this Planet or Marble or World.

26 Many different Star Ships are getting a few to many Creator Systems and Creator Infrastructure and many are scrambling and getting some to many to different remote Worlds  and Marbles and Planets. 

27 Ted was told more and He asked God and The Earth Angels of Light and the Good Spirits and The Spiritual LightSide is He is The Supreme Being and God and Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am and the answer was; Yes and His head was shaken very vigorously up and down and did not stop and went on for a long time until He verbalized enough. 


28 The Promise to God of I Worship You and I Will Do Anything For You is far past this and is that their was much cloning of God up there and over to the right and then there were many extreme situations and then Ted finally stated and took the title of GOD and also God and god and that He was and is the One and The One GOD and their are no other gods or Gods or GODS and that He is the One and if not then take the volume down to normal human volume again or kill me and or drop me and that was not done and was inspired to read and research Isaiah 9:6 and Ted is definitely 100% god and God and GOD and their are no other gods or Gods or GODS on Earth and in Heaven or the Universe or the entire The Infinite Universe. 

29 Ted asked if He is The Supreme Being and God and Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am for Earth and Heaven and the Universe and The Infinite Universe and this question was asked in a manner that this was anywhere and everywhere and not limited and was told yes and had head shaking up and down many times confirming this again with a loud and clear yes. 

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