The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 57 |
6 Satan and Demons when livid and upset and full of hate want to take the LightSide and do them similar and actually much worse than the most critical talk shows and late night talk shows and comedy routines and roasting and do accusations to do a person with accusations extreme and do this to try to turn some to many against a person and perform extreme character assassinations and sometimes with as many as possible spiritually and that those can get to. 7 You need to realize that this is TJCG thinking that this is His thought and His writing when He is realizing that that you need to realize was from say sent to TJCG's brain and Ted cannot remember sometimes and sometimes a thought is sent to Ted and is accurate and is from the past and that thought was from a Good Spirit helping Ted in many situations because Satan and Demons try to make Ted forget and write inaccurate and exaggerate and be a complete idiot with huge run on sentences that was and is from Satan and Demons now saying to go and well we cannot cuss and that was edited by Earth Angel of Light editors before this got to Ted in details and those are getting blocked and guarded against and told to take a hike with certain doing certain persons online in this. 8 Well a Bible did Noah in the Bible and did Moses in the Bible and did many in the Bible so why not do Ellen G. White in this Third Testament of a Bible. |
9 She worked very long and for many years dedicated to the cause and crusade and mission and tried to make her writings accurate and is not going to be done and she is loved and she is getting protected. 10 Then why are we doing Ted and allowing Ted to be done in the past and some in the present and this is or was because Ted was too hardball and dropped too many that were LightSide and was too hardball with the Earth Angels of Light and actually all Higher Level Beings and then Middle Level Beings and then Lower Level Beings and was too much that upset too many for a while and it took them or many of them time to calm down and stop getting that extremely angry with Ted. 11 Ted you are God and you really rocked and rolled in Heaven and the Universe and the much larger and legally defined much larger The Infinite Universe. 12 Let's kill all Palestinians and order that for the Earth Angels of Light Ted and that is a suggestion by Satan and Demons to get Israel and allies into an extreme War with all Arabic Nations. |
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