The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 58 |
13 I heard that God has all knowledge of good and evil and that Jesus did sin and in His 33 years of life He did sin and is why He did not throw the first stone or a stone at the adulterous women and also asked to be baptized and was baptized and Jesus was very good and pure enough from sin and was not sinless and this is TJCG and I do believe that this was true and God and Christ did not have to be sinless and many Spiritual LightSide do not want to get into the details and when asking did God sin was told loud and clear yes and when asking did Jesus sin was told loud and clear yes and this is TJCG and I do believe this to be the truth. 14 Their are degrees of sin and heinous sins and crimes are much worse than sins that are for example mild to more severe perversion. 15 Concerning in Marriage that are Heterosexual Marriages the Sexual Practices of French Kissing and Oral Sex and sexual positions are at least ok and not a sin or that bad or evil and this is what TJCG is saying He believes and That Is The Way That Is For Now. 16 NO WAY NO HOW are Gay that are Homosexual or Bi-Sexual or Lesbian Marriage legal or ok or moral and that is an extreme sin. |
17 What really matters is what TJCG believes and He is The JUDGE with AUTHORITY to JUDGE on what is a degree of right and what is a degree of wrong and what is a degree of moral and what is a degree of immoral and what is a degree of ok and what is a degree of not ok and what is a degree of good and what is a degree of bad to a degree of evil. 18 This is TJCG and currently are Pure Enough from Sin to survive and not have Satan or Demons getting to me too much or at least are not frying my brain currently and seem to be sleeping better and less tormented currently and more covered by by the Spiritual LightSide. 19 A night went by and this is the next morning and Ted was sent many loud thoughts about many more things that Ted did and is that perverse or not and what do you believe Ted and that was sent loud and clear and some from the Spiritual DarkSide and some from the Spiritual LightSide and seemed to be getting pushed by the Spiritual DarkSide to get Ted to address more sexual practice and what He believes currently is right and what is wrong and not checking with the Spiritual LightSide and what They believe is right and wrong or taking a vote or trying to get the majority opinion pole on this and Ted is The JUDGE and has to write what He thinks is right and wrong or at least should complete some of this process while on the subject of sexual practices and what is right and what is wrong with more sexual practices or degrees of right and degrees of wrong. |
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