The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 60 |
8 This is the Spiritual LightSide and this is something that many Humans on Earth need to figure out and that is who is Ted and when figuring out who is Ted then you are going to realize that He has FULL AUTHORITY over your future after you die on Earth and you need to figure this out and then take a stand and go after Satan and Demons extreme and detect and investigate and collect all evidence that you can that was much more obvious before Y2K when those were much more into the Physical World and made many mistakes and collect evidence that those exist and collect film and videos and genetic samples and hair and skin samples and DNA samples and trace and track and find and capture and interrogate and then drop or kill those and all clones of those. 9 Yeah and how are you going to find our clones if we clone extreme; the answer to that is to test all on Earth genetically or kill all on Earth that the Spiritual LightSide wants to call Earth Desolation and Desolating the entire World of Earth or Kill Everything or Kill Everybody and Everything Extreme and Eve is in there somewhere and why is Eve in Everything and that was a joke and go do something and go kill yourself and stop this and Satan and Demons are extremely upset and feeling mean at you Ted and kill Ted or kill yourself and do not kill Satan or Demons and that was a hypnotic suggestion that needs to be programmed in to the Earths Mass Media and sent subtly Spiritually to Humans in their little pea brains and program them that are droning out in front of their television sets and programmed and hypnotized and watching far too much television to television extreme. |
10 Good thing that you Ted gave to a relative your 61' with surround sound top of the line at the time Sony Home Theater System and matching Entertainment Stand and was awesome and better than most movies and was surround sound with a boom and that was what Ted did and was told to lead a very quiet life and also gave up over 600 videos and or approximately 600 and rounded up a little and should use the number of 666 movies and videos and most are from EVIL and are used by Satan and certain Demons to program many extreme and hypnotize many and program many for evil to EVIL or to do nothing or to not do enough or to be weary and tired and not feel good enough to do enough. 11 Ted is really upset with the Seventh Day Adventist and was completely ignored and also many Jewish and God Followers and Christians and is that the answer to who He is in in a Bible and is in Daniel and Revelation and was and is getting ignored by them when He was raised a Seventh Day Adventist and is not currently a Seventh Day Adventist and is beyond what a Seventh Day Adventist is or at least this is what Ted feels and currently believes and He was rejected by the Seventh Day Adventist similar or worse than similar to Koresh and Waco that were offshoots of the Seventh Day Adventist. |
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