The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 60 |
29 You would be shocked at how many and how much Spirits are in a brain and body and feel much more than you realize and are in much more control than you realize and see and feel and sense much more than you realize and this is the undisputed total truth. 30 Ted you were hot and angry and upset last night and Satan and Demons tried to get you to do a Judgment against the Seventh Day Adventist and similar to the Jewish with Diaspora and that was true and the Seventh Day Adventist are treading on thin ice and are about ready to get this broken up and or nobody going to heaven or getting what many think is deserved and the truth is that your true identity can be figured out if trying and the Seventh Day Adventist many of them are too busy watching television and their movies and videos and cable and satellite dishes and not only 3ABN and much more EVIL programming. 31 Well that could be ordered by Ted and then sooner or later the Seventh Day Adventist would be taken apart and dismantled and torn down brick by brick and that would be Satan and Demons dream and is because those HATE the Seventh Day Adventist that had Ellen G. White and keep The Sabbath and this is the Spiritual LightSide and that was a trick or another ploy by those to alienate all others in religion including the Jewish and God following and Christians and that do not keep the Sabbath and that do keep Sunday that is not the Sabbath. |
32 Well what else are we going to do Satan and Demons are thinking to try to alienate many and alienate many from Ted Jesus Christ GOD and to get some to many to think that Ted is a Seventh Day Adventist or SDA friendly when He feels upset by the Seventh Day Adventist currently and their ignoring Him very blatantly after sending many emails to their primary General Conference site. 33 Ted's ex-wife was sexually molested when a child many times and this was by her Dad and this finally was told to Ted when in a marriage counseling session with a Psychiatrist that was a very good Medical Doctor and then her youngest sister also told the family that their Dad did this to her also and was really psychologically messed up from this and turned out to be an extreme slut and adulterer and committed adultery many times when married and together with Ted and when separated became and turned into an extreme slut and that was true and Ted is extremely intolerant of Pedophiles and Child Molesters and this is an extreme sin and crime that leaves an extreme victim other than self and if willful this requires a pardon that is given rarely. |
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