The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 60 |
34 When confronting the Dad of His ex-wife about this and wanting to keep His two daughters from the Dad and from any situation where alone with the Dad then her Dad and Mom and many in the family turned against Ted and that was Satan and Demons in their brain and body that was protecting the Pedophile and Child Molester and the Dad NEVER wanted to have a working relationship with or about Ted after that and looked at Ted as the enemy extreme and under mined and contributed at making Ted's marriage fail. 35 Strange enough Ted's ex-wife and the sister that were molested and this was far too far over any line were or decided to cover this up and not make a problem and had the Mom crying and upset and in a panic and decided that it was better to keep the family together and expose the grand children to a CONTROLLING personality Pedophile and Child Molester that maybe was not cured and Ted did see and witness some leering looks at His daughters when in bathing suits and swimming in their back yard from the Dad of His ex-wife that made Ted very nervous and when Ted's daughters were still under the age of 5 for both of them. 36 Most child molesters are very to extremely controlling and are that personality and are very involved with their family and are very controlling and use Satan and Demons to help with this situation and to keep the Child Molesters protected so those can molest and continue molesting without getting caught. |
37 Ted does not tolerate or remotely like any pedophiles and child molesters and any that looked or look the other direction or protected them or protect them suspecting this enough or understanding this and their are usually enough indicators to expose Pedophiles and Child Molesters and He has ZERO TOLERANCE for most of them and in most situations if willful are either going to be left down on a drop after Earth or get a SEVERE range of a Punishment Next Life or Lives. |
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