The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 61 |
4 I think I would have been dead long before now if I was not The One and could be dropped in the near to longer term future and having hardships to having extreme hardships or getting dropped is not necessarily a sign that Ted was a false One and look at what happened to Jesus and the extreme hardships He and the disciples suffered and how the disciples of Jesus were persecuted and suffered and had hardships and were persecuted and stoned and beheaded and many were dropped and did not die of natural causes. 5 This is Ted and also who is Ted Jesus Christ GOD and also use the initials of TJCG and I live forever and for all eternity and no matter what I do or what happens I get resurrected immediately after dropping on Earth elsewhere and on a very secure Heaven Grade Planet specifically secured for the future THE ALMIGHTY The One GOD. 6 This was The Sabbath and I was discouraged and rested all day and did not go to a Church and are discouraged with the Seventh Day Adventist that are full Ten Commandment Keeping Christians and I was raised a Seventh Day Adventist and I did back slide and was very liberal and then was out of the Church for a while and the Seventh Day Adventist are not the only Christians in religion that I want to embrace and I want to embrace ALL Jewish and ALL God Followers and ALL Christians and then of course the most are ALL in the Flock or Fold or Arms of TJCG and to different degrees and have vastly varying Doctrines and Beliefs and Traditions and many are going to get a range of saved that are in Religion and any outside of the previously mentioned are Cults and not in Religion. |
7 Today Ted was covered up and given comforting and good feelings and was told this was from His Angels of Light that LOVE Him and want to tell Him to not get or be too discouraged and to understand that He is LOVED and that He needs to understand many things about His current situation and was told much more about His current situation and that He needs to get a real job and move and get stable somewhere else and that Satan and Demons have whittled down the True Love and Loyalty you had and your welcome is worn out and you have to move and get a real job and get stable somewhere else. 8 TJCG wants to say that He loves in most situations the Higher and Middles and Lower Level Beings and People and Real People that have love for Him in most cases and love is a two direction street and if given and shown and demonstrated is more likely that this is wanting to be returned. |
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