The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 61 |
13 This is history getting repeated in some areas of your life and this is or was also getting done with your good Seventh Day Adventist family that did not want to believe you or any pastors of the SDA's that you contacted in person or via email and you were and are considered an SDA enemy and that was Satan and Demons saying that to make any that read this that are SDA to run scared and to ostracize you and Ted lets make a deal and knock the entire SDA Church down similar to Diaspora and the Destruction of the Temple and then make a Wailing Wall at General Conference Headquarters and make them realize later that you were really The One. 14 It has been almost 2000 years from the last time you were on Earth and you are floundering with the Jewish and God Followers and Christians and you need to do something what is a Sign and or Wonder and or Miracle for some to many. 15 The Spiritual LightSide is telling you that the Seventh Day Adventist are thinking that their Church is THE CHURCH and are thinking that you are not The One and if you order or Judge that the Earth Angels of Light knock down the entire Seventh Day Adventist Church for the next for example three years then how can the Seventh Day Adventist Church who thinks that their Church is under the very careful protection of God and Jesus Christ and the Angels and the Angels of Light explain that or any more in Religion that are Jewish and God Following and Christians.
16 You could do a Judgment that was to knock down the Seventh Day Adventist Church that lasted for three years only and see if their are any results for a Church that claims to be and thinks are under the protection of God and Jesus Christ and that you are neither. 17 The current SDA Membership is small in comparison to some Christians Churches and are making a certain amount in Tithes and Offerings and are not much use to you if not getting with the current TJCG Program or at least are far less useful if not with the current TJCG Program. 18 This is the next day after the previous verses were published on Earths Internet and Ted has heard that Satan is saying that Satan is going to and is ordering the Demons to send many new members to the SDA Church for the next three years and those did manipulate and do many Christian Churches including the Roman Catholic Church and can do and manipulate the SDA Church also and too bad we have to help the SDA's to THWART this sign and punishment from TJCG and The Earth Angels of Light. |
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