The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 61 

19 Satan and Demons want to say that you are a well Ted you are getting your signals mixed up and it is time you come to grips with what you really are. 

20 Ted has heard loud that the Spiritual LightSide are is planning to have some to many members delay or stop paying Tithe and Offerings and are also going to knock down certain Members and non Members that are or were SDA's and them some are still going to be very carefully covered and protected and helped and this is going to effect the SDA financial positions and if their is accurate information published and can be found on a month by month and yearly basis this is going to be obvious for the next approximately three years that is actually rounded to the end of 2004 for now. 

21 This has been raised an issue again and this is TJCG and YES it is true that Ted when on the and living on the sail boat it is true that He agreed to be a prophet and was asked several times and He AGREED to be on loud and in the Spiritual World and also asked to be in the Spiritual World and asked to be a prophet and was impressed to ask to be a prophet or was inspired to ask and AGREED to be a Prophet and Ted is either a Prophet or Christ and the Messiah and The Great I Am and this getting thoughts that He has to ask to be a prophet could have been and He thinks this was a deception and that He is more than a Prophet and Ted is either a Good Prophet or Christ and that is something else that Ted thinks that Satan and Demons did to cover those bases then those could try the He is only a prophet angle if and when necessary. 

22 This is Ted and I was on the sail boat and was praying many times and praying much and asking for help and trying to avoid and get from evil and Ted was trying to change for the good and Ted thinks that if only a prophet that Ted is a Good Prophet and not a False Prophet or from EVIL. 

23 This is Ted and this has been going on for over four years now and is not like before when at more normal human volume and for over four years Ted has heard loud voices and had many dreams and vision and received and heard many messages and I have been told that this is going to continue for the remainder of my life and cannot and is not going to be quieted down and after this started I was much more in the Spiritual World than in the Physical or Real World. 

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