The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 62 |
9 It was and is not out of character for Jesus to tell many that the Temple was going to be destroyed and the many that rejected Him and The Way at that time were going to be scattered and that was prophesied and many were punished and cursed and that did happen and the SDA's need to take this extremely seriously and ALL Jewish need to take this extremely seriously and ALL God Followers need to take this extremely seriously and ALL Christians need to take this extremely seriously and ALL on Earth that were alive at Y2K and going forward and far into the future need to take this extremely seriously. 10 Do not believe that this is not going to happen and we are in an EXTREME WAR of Good versus EVIL! 11 Do you want to test this and test TJCG and wait and see or wait or do nothing or do not do enough and if you do any of the previously mentioned then you may end up missing the boat and too late for you and you could end up getting eternal death or a range or a punishment next life to a severe range of a punishment next life and for you and your family and your descendents and their descendents and their descendents and their descendents and their descendents and their descendents and on and on and on and on and on and on. |
12 Satan and Demons and ALL clones of those have to be eradicated completely and much sooner than later!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! 13 If you were drafted or conscripted in a human war on Earth in the past you would be brought up on charges and court marshaled and punished and put in the brig or military prison or executed or shot and killed by your superiors if you did not obey the order to charge and the order to fight and all orders and ALL on Earth from Y2K and forward and into the future and ALL into the future are drafted or conscripted into this physical and spiritual war against Satan and Demons and any and all clones of those when at puberty and sexually mature enough to reproduce. |
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