The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 9 |
21 OK that went over a line with her and you had better not do that with her again and she did not like that and that went over a line with her big time. 22 Usually that is Satan that says big time and that is not usually what Satan does as far as protecting people and wants to and likes to go over a and many lines and gets off on going over a and many lines and is into tormenting of people and persecuting people and using and abusing people. 23 You need to realize that in here somewhere is the truth and this is the truth and the truth is buried in here somewhere. 24 Well well well the biblical scholars are going to eventually get something out of this and that is that Ted is a fraud and a phony. 25 This is not true and the biblical scholars are hopefully not going to get into this too much and are going to take much more are face value and not red into this too much and get or try to get too intellectual. 26 You are going to get a head ache reading this and Ted is going to get a back ache and tunnel carpel syndrome and bad eyes from working on a computer and sitting in front of a computer monitor for so long. |
27 You can take breaks and rest and do not have to read or study this all at a single sitting. 28 What do you think most humans are going to do with this or react. 29 Most are going to react badly at first and think that this is all from evil until studied more carefully and further in the future probably. 30 Many writings at first were looked on or viewed heretical or from evil or extremely evil and look at how badly Revelation was viewed at first by many and almost not included in the New Testament. 31 This is a fair test of good and evil and in a system of good and evil you have to realize that good if there is also evil and that is how good and evil work and work together similar to a pair of old shoes. 32 I guess many thought that if a Bible was the good book that their could not be any evil in this book. 33 You need to realize that good and evil exist together and are the full spectrum of what many want to do and is their nature to be both good and evil. |
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