The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 10 |
6 The One God and The One Creator and The One Theism and The One Living God and The One Deity and The One True God and The One that is the Only God and their is only 1 God and their has always been only 1 God. 7 That is an extreme shock to the Christians that believe in God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and the Trinity. 8 Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and not God the Son and that was done by the Roman Catholic Church. 9 Blame the Roman Catholic Church for messing up the truth and the theology and blame Satan and certain Demons that controlled the Roman Catholic Church through Roman Emperors and Popes and the vast hierarchy. 10 You need to give Ted and extreme headache and how much does it costs for the Spiritual DarkSide to send Ted an extreme headache and lets see the price list on Ted and how much does that costs. 11 Well that is too much and how about more pain and how much for more pain and I want more pain and suffering for Ted and how much does that costs. 12 That price list is too much and the spiritual darkside wants to file a complaint on this and this is too much. |
13 We are not taking complaints on this and this is take it or leave it on this price list and you have to either take it or leave it. 14 This is not what we were expecting and we were expecting more and you need to realize that Ted is getting interference of the grammar and typing and trying to introduce typos and interfere and to slow Ted down some to much and what can we do to slow this down is what Satan and certain Demons are trying to figure out. 15 This is your life and too bad this ended up in such a nightmare for you Ted and oops that could have gone a whole lot better for the idiot that is going after Satan and Demons extreme. 16 This is not going to help you or them and those are getting done online and those are not and this is not a writing that is going to help any or much and this is going to help many. 17 This is not going to help you Ted and is going to help many and many are getting stuck in their ruts and are rusty and are not studying their Bibles enough and this is hopefully going to get some to many studying more in the future. |
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