The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 11 |
6 You need to realize that you are an idiot that is getting down to the basics and this all started over sex. 7 Yes Way Yes How and this all started over sex and sexual things and sexual issues and is this right and is this wrong. 8 Well you need to realize that in the very beginning their were only men and males and were not women and women and females were created much later and eons later and the men were either celibate and not into physical love or bisexual or fags or faggots and bisexual in this time was either a fag or a faggot and either similar to a male or a female in behavior and sexual practices and many phases from a fag to a faggot. 9 The nitty gritty truth is finally getting out and the start of a Bible with Adam and Eve was only 6,000 years ago on Earth and their was much history and ancient history long before this. 10 Is this going to be a problem for many in religion that are Jewish and God Following and Christians and the answer to this is a resounding yes. 11 Why and this is because God was gay and then went straight after God who is also the Creator decided to make women and create a women and derivative work from a man and took the rib out of man and made a women and cut off the penis and did some sexual surgery changes and was not big deal and gave him that later was a her breast and then much later the ability to reproduce. |
12 Put two and two together and God was God and the the covering Cherub was Lucifer who was beautiful and totally gay. 13 This is the truth and that changed later and then was God and Lucifer getting into a lovers spat and then an extreme lovers quarrel and then extremely angry with each other. 14 God at this time was more bisexual or similar in character to a male and a female. 15 You want to details or are we going to lie or cover up or be extreme hypocrites. 16 This is painful for Ted because Ted you are God now and that is how that worked and works and you are The One that was gay or somewhat gay. 17 Oops that is an omission and if you want to understand about the very beginning where there were Angels that ran about totally naked and nude and were into physical love with each other then that is part of the truth. 18 Of course the Angels were nudist and into nudity and why do you think in your or Earths Bible their is the story about Adam and Eve that are totally naked in the garden and nude and nudist. |
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