The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 17, 18 |
37 What is the exact definition of gay and you are gay Ted and well that was another story and the talk of heaven for a while when you had that brief boyhood experimentation and are not and those sure tried every chance those could to turn Ted gay and that is the total truth. 38 The Spiritual LightSide does not consider Ted gay and was a boyhood experimentation and was more a succubus event and almost not willful by Ted and was oral sex on Ted by a boy of similar age that Ted spent the entire summer vacation with. 39 That little faggot seemed extremely experienced that did that to Ted and was actually Demons with that little boy and not that little and past puberty and well you had the time of your life and some want to accuse you and did accuse you that you were gay. 40 Well those days are over and everybody accused Satan and Demons of a foul and foul play and not willful and succubus assisted and not willful and that was not totally true and then many trashed Ted's reputation at that Church School that Ted went to and did not understand who Ted was and Ted had many girl friends and then got married and had two children and then Satan and Demons wanted to accuse Ted of deep undercover or deep in the closet for this and that He was and still is gay. |
CHAPTER 18 1 Ted God is you and you are God and you need to realize that before you were born on Earth a second coming to Earth that God was both male and female spiritually and with both. 2 Do you realize that God is with everybody on Earth including animals and that God is with gays and bisexuals and lesbians also and has to be with them and is in a channel lock. 3 Well that is true and you Ted were and are not homophobic. 4 When Ted heard that God was with Ted's wife on Earth Ted almost freaked out and that was what Ted did and thought that this was weird and was God gay and did God have a male body up there and was gay with Ted and that made the homophobic Ted very to extremely upset. 5 No Ted that is not true and the Angels of Light do the women and females and girls when a girl chooses to be a or actually that is a pick and excuse me and picks to be a fornicating idiot and that is when she has to be with and cover and protect and help perform for and with a girl. |
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