The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 19 |
5 This is not that interesting and go read something else the Devil or actually Satan wants to add and what is a better name. 6 The Spiritual LightSide want to tell many that Satan or Devil is trying to ruin Ted and ruin Ted's reputation and this is all that this is about. 7 Yes many have figured out that God is heterosexual and with both the man and the women and equally yoked and is both male and female spiritually. 8 God is currently the human man Ted Jesus Christ GOD on Earth. 9 Then what happened to God up in heaven; and many want to add that Ted fanaticizes and is a looser that cannot get a real job and wants to fantasize about life and about greater things and a greater life. 10 This is not what this is about and Ted is getting done online again by the Satan and Demons extreme and those are laughing. 11 How many more days is this going to take before Satan or Demons get Ted into dire straights and a dire situation again to the point that Ted cannot ever continue this again. |
12 Probably is never going to be or get that bad unless Ted gets thrown into a loony bin or the state hospital for the insane or extremely homophobic. 13 Ted was not that homophobic until was tried to turn Ted gay extreme while on the sail boat and living on the sail boat with His girl friend and fornicating with her out of sacred wedlock and marriage. 14 Why do you not think about what you are doing Ted and you are doing your self online again with the help or actually assistance of Satan or Devil and Demons. 15 Ted you are simply cursed by Satan and Demons similar to the 2000 television show Cursed and that the people in the preview for this are wearing Jewish Blue and Yellow and White and are cursed and you are Jewish Ted and you are cursed and that is all that this is about. 16 Yes Satan and Demons do the Mass Media extreme on Earth and are going after hypnosis and hypnotic programming and post hypnotic suggestions and programming many on Earth and turning most DarkSide because of this mind control device that programs people almost better then the most sophisticated dreams. |
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