The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 20 

4 That is not true and that is a lie and that is a deception and you are getting done by Satan or Devil again. 

5 You need to realize that Ted is God and that is true and read Isaiah 9:6 and this is how that was suppose to work and was and did work and this is how that was suppose to work and did work and was on this Second Coming and Return. 

6 You were in virtual seality mode on the sail boat and this was similar to virtual reality and not real and can this be real and am I the One and is this true and how can this be and I thought that He was suppose to come in the clouds of glory to rescue all of us from this sinful world full of strife and take us home. 

7 That was a cruel deception by Satan and Demons and those tried to deceive many and deceived many extreme and were into cruel deceptions.

8 This was not a cruel deception and many Jewish and Christians were into getting into this extreme with each other and we only facilitated their beliefs and could have many beliefs and doctrines and presented many different sides to a similar and extremely misunderstood future. 

9 How can you explain a nuclear weapon and a nuclear blast and a 100 or larger megaton nuclear weapon and blast and were clouds of glory and what were and are glorious and He did come in the era of the clouds of glory and in that era.

 10 Yes that was prophesied that He would come in the era of the clouds of glory and this is true and this is definitely true and you need to realize that you are on and in and with the clouds and what was written and their are actually three different methods that you come related to the clouds of glory. 

11 You need to realize that Satan and Demons are learning from the sites that are already written and so are the Good Spirits that are The Earth Angels of Light and many are telling you to stop this and that is not true and the Spiritual DarkSide wants you to stop this and the Spiritual LightSide wants you to continue this. 

12 OK so this is a contest of who can say the best line to get the dumb and gullible an stupid humans to believe this. 

13 No that is not true and you need to get a bunch of Greek and Hebrew touting Jewish and Christian scholars on this to completely confuse all including all in religion. 

14 That was a cheap shot by Satan and Demons to try to make the Jewish and Christians that consider themselves scholars or have religious degrees to make them upset. 

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