The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 20 |
15 OK Ted you idiot and this is Satan you need to realize that you are an idiot and much more and you are disrespected constantly in the Spiritual Realm and talked about and done online extreme you idiot that thinks that he can and is making a difference. 16 Maybe we should kill Ted extreme and too bad you no longer own any weapons to shoot yourself in your head and we used to call Ted certain names such as Ted 45 or say He has a gun and He knows how to use it! 17 Ted sold all of His weapons and did not want them around Him in case He started to feel suicidal extreme. 18 Ted does not want to commit suicide and is not pondering suicide and got rid of those weapons for a reason and that is to not have anything easily accessible and that is quick and easy to commit suicide with and there fore is getting much more protected by the Spiritual LightSide and that was His choice and the Spiritual LightSide is helping Ted with this and to make Ted feel covered up and protected and helped by The Spiritual LightSide. 19 That was a bunch of lies and Ted was and is suicidal and is fighting this off daily and the Spiritual LightSide wants to say that that was not true and the truth is that Ted currently is rarely sent a suicidal thought by the Spiritual DarkSide that gets past the Spiritual LightSides protection. |
20 Ted was very to extremely suicidal from this for a while and this was true and got past this and survived for now. 21 Ted was sent many visions and dreams and say and about The Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations and that much of this was done on many and vastly in numbers different Worlds and Marbles and Planets and almost ate a bullet or actually was staring down the barrel of a loaded 45 with a hair trigger and the finger on this trigger at a certain point in time. 22 At that point in time if Ted would have committed suicide then Ted would have killed Jesus Christ and that is all that would have happened. 23 That is not true and Ted then was The One and is The One and continues to be The One that defines God come to Earth a human man and the Son of man and the Son of David and the One and The One GOD and the One to try to get the job done of dropping or killing Satan or Devil and all Demons. 24 At this rate Ted you are not going to accomplish that in your life time and not even close and maybe not a single Demon. |
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