The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 22 |
10 That is a complete lie the Spiritual LightSide is saying and they are not saying this and this is Satan in Ted's head or brain telling Ted that the Spiritual LightSide is saying something and are not and is actually Satan who is the Great Deceiver and deceiving the living life out of most to many humans that are dumb idiots on Earth believing anything and everything in a Bible and what is spoon fed to them by the doctrines of their churches and indoctrinated with baby food and are lambs for the slaughter many of them are. 11 Well you need to realize that you Sunday Keepers are dead meat most of you are and are blatantly teaching and preaching and indoctrinating your children and kids and youth in to the blatant breaking of a Ten Commandment that never changed biblically. 12 Well just because something is written and gets into a Bible does not say that this is legal and look at all of the disciples writings and some that contradict and are in a Bible and got into a Bible because these men were disciples of Jesus. 13 Well Jesus did a good job of working hard and fast and had many believing in Jesus and not similar to Ted who has no followers or believers that are out from under the Internet cover and are secretly studying this and more sites that Ted has written before Ted started the Third Testament of a Bible and some is done still in parallel and Ted you are definitely going to end up a homeless wreck if you continue this without getting a job and to stop trying to do this full time. |
14 You need to have patience for Ted and Ted is crazy or at least this is what many in Ted's family think of Ted and are trying to tolerate Ted and get along with Ted and Ted was and is told to stop talking about His belief that He is Christ and the Messiah and The Great I Am or that He is Jesus Christ on the Second Coming and Return and actually God and not the Son of God and actually God come to Earth in human flesh and blood and bone. 15 Ted you are getting us all teary eyed and actually I want to add that many are already getting tired of the word Ted and similar to how many are getting tired or the word Jesus and Christ and God. 16 This is the Spiritual LightSide and Satan and Demons overuse a word until you almost feel sick and tired of this word and this is another tactic of those to upset many and to make many feel upset with this word or name or title and have done this also with the name of Ted and overused and abused and done many thousands and millions of associations that are negative with this name and much of this worked and has worked and Ted your name is currently tainted some by the Spiritual DarkSide. |
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