The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 23 


1 Lets keep playing the sitcom Mash in Ted's brain and Ted keeps hearing the comments made by Macintyre and Pierce and that was Satan making a television replay clip in Ted's human pea brain.

2 Pierce your hands or actually your wrists and feet and that was a pun on words and names and an association and those use names and puns on names and associations sometimes to get those points across and point on a cross and get it you oblivious idiots on Earth. 

3 I get it and this is Satan and that previous comment was from the Spiritual LightSide to try to frame Satan or Devil and Demons and to try to make us look mean and hostile towards humans and make mankind and humans mad and angry and upset with Satan or Devil and Demons and then to try to investigate and detect and trace and track and capture and test genetically and if a human per the Human Genome or a Hostile Alien and Satan and Demons then getting interrogated extreme and then dropped and then autopsied and the Spiritual LightSide is trying to make us look bad. 

4 The Spiritual LightSide wants to say that those are bad and are extremely evil and have to be dropped or kill on Earth and are all physically living on Earth and need to be dropped or killed making best efforts by the human race with the help of the Spiritual LightSide within the legal limits of the Spiritual Rules. 

5 You are killing us and you were only suppose to kill us via trying to kill us via nuclear war and weapons of mass destruction war and wars and war and rumors of war and that is not true and the Spiritual LightSide wants to add that they can try to drop or kill Satan and Demons any method possible and The Human Genome was revealed on Earth rapidly and with great progress specifically for this reason and The Human Genome was revealed in the year of 2000 and was rapid and some describe this extremely rapid progress beyond belief for many in science and seemed to be many ideas and revelations and break throughs similar to when the atomic bomb was getting developed and the extremely inspired Einstein was getting help from God and was extremely inspired and the Jewish Scientist were getting help from God and were extremely inspired and this is Ted and I feel similar to them and are into taking many naps now when tired and mentally tired and cleaned up my life and my diets and almost a vegetarian and currently have a very careful diet and feel the need to take and take many naps similar to them. 

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