The First Narrative Book of The Third Testament of a Bible, 24 |
25 No body wanted to side with The One then they found out how hardball Ted was and wants to be and before and during and after The Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations was and is very or extremely revealing how hard ball The One can and wants to be. 26 You need to realize that Ted wanted to drop all boys and guys and men on all world and marbles and planets and to stop the ability for getting any pregnant and to shut down entire inhabitable living worlds and marbles and planets and then to make Creator Infrastructure and Creator Systems and make highly secured Creator Centers and start doing resurrections and upgrades on all worlds and marbles and planets and many think this was a great idea and had to be done to get populations under control and many were uploaded and dropped and not killed and can and are going to be resurrected on Real People Planets and Marbles and Worlds later to much later and are very carefully stored redundantly and in a state of sleep. 27 You need to realize that Ted is going to regret this and you need to realize that Ted was also an extreme stealer at certain points in Ted's life. 28 That is the Spiritual DarkSide and those are trying to pull out more accusations when those do not understand how to respond and those think that those can use this against Ted and Ted is currently very honest and very careful and is not a stealer and was and has always been very to extremely generous. |
29 Some Humans were and are getting resurrected from Earth and this was true and this is true. 30 Some want to say that you are a stupid idiot Ted. 31 That is what the Spiritual DarkSide says when those do not want to respond or do not have much to say and feel those have lost a round or two. 32 Pass the drinks and those are trying to make jokes to lighten up the moods out there with the Spiritual DarkSide and oops we feel like a bunch of losers currently and don't you believe this. 33 I want to kill that idiot Ted and that was from Satan and then Ted hears cursing. 34 Everybody understands that Satan curses like the worst foul mouthed pimps on the face of World Earth. 35 This is the Spiritual LightSide and Satan does cuss similar and much worse than the worst pimps and cusses and swears at The Earth Angels of Light and calls them names and treats them similar to whores and sluts and prostitutes and then gets wrath from the Lioness Earth Angels of Light and then stops and those only listen and respond to revenge and you do this the we are going to do this. |
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