The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 2 |
5 Some want to say that you are sounding too much like a war monger and not a lover of peace or the prince of peace and some of the movies you refer to are violently graphic and show killing and Satan and Demons and all clones of those have to be dropped or killed and those and clones of those are not going to drop or kill selves and this has to be done by Physically Going After Those and any and all and each and every Clone of Those and also with Physical Battles and Physical Wars and may have to be hand to hand combat and face to face and dropping or killing those and clones of those with a gun and shooting those and clones of those or using a knife or some different form to drop or kill those and any clones of those and if this is in hand to hand combat and or street fighting and or deep undercover secret mission possible type extremely secret and disavowing if caught any knowledge of any else operations then that is what is to be done. 6 The LION is very to extremely protective for any that He loves and wants to protect or feels obligated to protect and to and towards any threats The LION is very to extremely ferocious and vicious and extreme and goes after them with wrath and vengeance and uses any and all weapons to protect and defend and help the LightSide from the DarkSide. |
7 In the inspired movie Brave Heart you had the Scottish Nobles that betrayed Wallace a few times and some too many times and finally Wallace started to kill the betrayers and represents many that are working in Religion at and after Y2K on Earth and certain Other Humans on Earth and could also represent certain Higher and Middle and Lower Level Beings and Angels of Light and Queens and Execs in the Infinite Universe and for on Earth then certain Earth Angels of Light that are not Loyal to TJCG and not getting with the current TJCG Program. 8 At this point in time and when The LION this is not the time to love your enemy and I do not get the feeling to love my enemy and this is the time and time frame and period that I feel I need to drop or kill my enemy and any and all enemies of TJCG need to be dropped or killed and this includes Satan and Demons and all clones of those and all Human DarkSide and all that go against me and are my enemy. 9 You have to figure this out and this is in a Bible and is accurate enough that on Second Coming and Return I Am The LION and not the sacrificial lamb and have fire in my eyes and have a sword and if you look closely at the sword with the straight hand guard this looks very similar to a cross. |
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