The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 2 |
10 On the movie packaging for the movie Brave
Heart you have a sword that has a straight hand guard that with the blade
and handle of the sword looks very similar to a cross and many in this
movie had cross symbols painted on their foreheads and also somewhere on
them and on the Second Coming and Return of Christ and the Messiah and
The Great I Am their is much description of fire in the eyes and with a
sword and is not going to love enemies and is going to drop or kill
enemies and this includes many that are not with the current TJCG
Program and are in The Way and not with The Way and I did draft or
conscript all Humans on Earth physically into this War of GOOD versus
EVIL from Y2K and forward.
11 In the movie Jesus that was produced and aired on television in 2000 on Earth this showed Jesus trying to help Roman soldiers that were persecuting the Jewish and were dead and Jesus was trying to help them and was crying over them and was letting Barabus slap Him on the cheek and then turned the second cheek and on this Second Coming and Return this is not what is done and this is a time to drop or kill all enemies and not to love them and this includes Satan and Demons and all clones of those and all DarkSide Humans that are going to get Left Down On A Drop or get a Range of a Punishment Next Life and much has changed after Y2K and much of the legal system on Earth has changed after Y2K. |
12 This is TJCG and I Am saying that this is a time that I Drop or Kill ALL enemies and this is not a time to be too forgiving of enemies or tolerant of enemies that introduce insecurity and this is a time to Drop or Kill ALL enemies with few exceptions and Satan and Demons and any and all clones of those are doomed to getting Killed or Dropped and are Living Dead that are very similar to and analogous to Satan that represents Dracula and the many Demons that represent Vampires and have numerous Death Warrants over those and all clones of those heads. Any DarkSide Humans that end up getting categorized a DarkSide Human at Y2K and after are going to get Eternal Death or a Range or many Ranges of a Punishment Next Life unless repenting and getting with the current TJCG Program and making up for lost time and making up for any Human DarkSide ripple effects and problems caused or may receive some future mercy and or grace and or forgiveness and or pardons from TJCG and That Is The Way That Is For Now. |
Send email to a current email address of Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am if He is still alive on Earth or His Earth Internet Sites are OFFICIALLY still up.
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