The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 2 |
29 If you do not do this adequately then TJCG can Court Marshall you later and resurrect you and put you in a Brig or Military Prison or on a Grade of a Punishment World for a Range of a Next Life Punishment of Leave You Down On A Drop and this can and is going to happen to many without mercy or grace or forgiveness of a pardon if you do not get with the current TJCG Program and do enough. 30 This is NO DRILL and this is NO GAME and this is getting CRITICAL now that Satan and Demons are trying to clone to large and vast numbers and have the technology to do this and can use Human Women and Females and are going to in the future have enough to over run the Human Race and More BOTH SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! 31 This is TJCG and I will Leave Down On A Drop or Punish with a Range of a or many Ranges of a Punishment Next Life many that do not OBEY and try to go after Satan and Demons in many cases and this is the truth and I Am The Supreme Commander and are DIRECT ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that ALL on Earth from Y2K and forward CHARGE and GO INTO BATTLE and GO TO WAR and go after Satan and Demons EXTREME until Satan and Demons and ALL Clones of those are dropped and or killed. |
32 Ted you recently prayed for God to help you write some more and this is Satan and certain Demons telling you to go kill yourself and that you are a false one and this is the truth and Satan and Demons are working this and the many signs and wonders and miracles and results of a phony judgment and that is the truth and you are going to only be help accountable for what you believe! 33 The LightSide Spirits want to tell you that Ted can do anything that He wants to with you including hold you fully accountable for anything and ignorance of the truth is not a legal defense and their is enough truth already in this Third Testament of a Bible to tell you what you are suppose to do primarily. 34 You are kicking me Satan is saying while the Earth Angels of Light are COVERING you Ted and passing on what Satan and certain Demons are saying and that is actually what those are thinking and what is their say on their brain. |
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