The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
10 continued ... After the demonstration of you seeing yourself through Nora's eyes Nora laughed when you verbalized whoa and that was weird and you had some more demonstrations from Nora on what could be done when Nora concentrated and was demonstrated to you directly the use of Demonic abilities. Nora sold Ted drugs and was into drugs and got Ted into drugs much more than ever before in Teds life. Nora would pretend to sample the drugs with Ted and actually would not inhale and some stuff seemed to be laced with stuff that you should not be smoking. Nora sometimes talked out loud to somebody else and she was not religious and this definitely was not praying or communication with any that were LightSide Sprits. Nora told you that Nora was German and had thin blond hair and blue eyes and white skin and about 5 foot 9 inches. ... continued |
10 continued ... You had some more demonstrations of this Demons abilities and then their was the time that Nora met another that you think could be a Demon named Richard that drove a Green Jeep Grand Cherokee and lived in San Jose and seemed to be old acquaintances. Richard used an Italian last name and had a marketing director from Las Vegas that was into many things that those called Cyberspace and seemed to definitely be a Demon and those were into many things that included Neo Tech and Objectivism and getting active on the Internet with many websites and discussion groups and with many evil related websites and also pornography and this Marketing Director has longer finger nails and looked more feminine and was mysterious about identity and past also. ... continued |
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