The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
10 continued ... Nora was definitely a Demon and that ability was DEMONSTRATED SEVERAL TIMES to Ted in front of Ted at least two times. Richard did legal work for Ted's software company and arbitration and was behind Ted's back undermining Ted and the company and those were trying to ruin Ted. Richard got Ted into smoking and Ted only smoked for several years off and on. Those put Ted in contact with several more that could have been Demons and Ted is told that this is true loud and clear and seemed to be a group that stuck together and were anti government and into offshore companies and offshore holding companies and into Belize in South America legal arrangements and staying off of the Radar of the IRS and FBI and the US and State and Local Governments. I met two more and are told loud and clear were also Demons and were introduced by Richard and was a Lawyer in Palo Alto called Barry and then a Lawyer in San Diego that Barry introduced you to for wicked fun in Tijuana with Prostitutes and currently cannot remember this persons that I think is a Demon also and this persons name. ... continued |
10 continued ... Those were told that those could get in close proximity and could not harm a hair on Ted's head and could set you up for a and many tests and that was true and you were set up and many tests were run on you to see what you would do and to see how much you would sin and to see exactly what you would and would not do and where you put on the brakes and where the brakes were not applied. These seemed to be like human and seemed almost normal and seemed to be in their mid to late thirties or early forties in their looks. Non were married. Those were and are in the Physical World and had cars and drove and had telephones and pagers and cellular phones and faxes and had to eat and drink and watched television and did many things that humans did and do. Ted was surrounded by Demons at a certain time in His life before understanding who He was. ... continued |
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